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Inordinately Right
Rather than just say "wrong" why don't you post information to support your position?


Well-Known Member
Simply not true. Children are baptized into the church all the time. Even children not expected to live past a few days.

Maybe you should stop limiting what God is able and willing to do.
The only problem I have with this, is that you made no decision, your parents did. You can not be a Christian by something you did not do.

Can you point to somewhere in the Bible that supports your assertions that it is valid theology?


Staff member
That is a big stretch.

If you keep it in context, at first glance, looks like He is saying how He has protected His people.
A big stretch? It’s read at 90% of baptisms.

The crazy thing is that you and @floridays seem to want to insist that all the infant baptisms that take place all over the world, all the children accepted into and as part of the body of Christ are somehow “not valid”. Please substantiate your claims so that I can forward them onto the pope and the leaders of all other denominations that they are getting it wrong.

Baptism - Wikipedia

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
A big stretch? It’s read at 90% of baptisms.

The crazy thing is that you and @floridays seem to want to insist that all the infant baptisms that take place all over the world, all the children accepted into and as part of the body of Christ are somehow “not valid”. Please substantiate your claims so that I can forward them onto the pope and the leaders of all other denominations that they are getting it wrong.

Baptism - Wikipedia
I like the Mormons that baptize people after they die.


Well-Known Member
A big stretch? It’s read at 90% of baptisms.

The crazy thing is that you and @floridays seem to want to insist that all the infant baptisms that take place all over the world, all the children accepted into and as part of the body of Christ are somehow “not valid”. Please substantiate your claims so that I can forward them onto the pope and the leaders of all other denominations that they are getting it wrong.

Baptism - Wikipedia
Act 2:38, Mark 16:16

Both say you must make a decision before the baptism.

Acts says repent
Mark says believe

Neither one can an infant do.

I've given you 2 that contradicts infant baptism, give me some were it says it is ok. I don't see anywhere besides "household", which is is a leap to get infants meant in that circle.

Besides, it is not up to me who gets "in", but believe that baptism is an outward expression of an already inward change.


Staff member
Act 2:38, Mark 16:16

Both say you must make a decision before the baptism.

Acts says repent
Mark says believe

Neither one can an infant do.

I've given you 2 that contradicts infant baptism, give me some were it says it is ok. I don't see anywhere besides "household", which is is a leap to get infants meant in that circle.

Besides, it is not up to me who gets "in", but believe that baptism is an outward expression of an already inward change.
The “” article gives you what you ask.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Act 2:38, Mark 16:16

Both say you must make a decision before the baptism.

Acts says repent
Mark says believe

Neither one can an infant do.

I've given you 2 that contradicts infant baptism, give me some were it says it is ok. I don't see anywhere besides "household", which is is a leap to get infants meant in that circle.

Besides, it is not up to me who gets "in", but believe that baptism is an outward expression of an already inward change.
Just because you were a dumb tadpole doesn’t mean all are.

Besides that is all silly stuff that has nothing to do with ones relationship with their HP.


Well-Known Member
A big stretch? It’s read at 90% of baptisms.

The crazy thing is that you and @floridays seem to want to insist that all the infant baptisms that take place all over the world, all the children accepted into and as part of the body of Christ are somehow “not valid”. Please substantiate your claims so that I can forward them onto the pope and the leaders of all other denominations that they are getting it wrong.

Baptism - Wikipedia
I'm laying a foundation for further questions and how you support your belief system.
1. Does a child that was aborted by the parents or mother individually gain the same protection as infant baptism seems to confer under your belief system? If so what is the benefit of infant baptism, and if not would that not be act of condemnation by an unjust god. @bbsam


Staff member
I'm laying a foundation for further questions and how you support your belief system.
1. Does a child that was aborted by the parents or mother individually gain the same protection as infant baptism seems to confer under your belief system? If so what is the benefit of infant baptism, and if not would that not be act of condemnation by an unjust god. @bbsam
I have no way of knowing.

Now if you’re asking if sometimes I think God is a real son of a bitch, yes. Emphatically yes.


Well-Known Member
I have no way of knowing.

Now if you’re asking if sometimes I think God is a real son of a bitch, yes. Emphatically yes.
I did not ask that question, you know I am quite capable of asking that if it was what I was interested in.
There is a way of knowing, my guess is you will remain to be disinterested in an answer, because it puts a kink in the sacrament of child baptism .
If child baptism confers salvation on a child, salvation is no longer grace, a gift of God, but rather the parents work of the flesh.


Staff member
I did not ask that question, you know I am quite capable of asking that if it was what I was interested in.
There is a way of knowing, my guess is you will remain to be disinterested in an answer, because it puts a kink in the sacrament of child baptism .
If child baptism confers salvation on a child, salvation is no longer grace, a gift of God, but rather the parents work of the flesh.
Just the opposite. If salvation is by God’s grace and by God’s grace alone, it can be bestowed upon any he so chooses.


Well-Known Member
Just the opposite. If salvation is by God’s grace and by God’s grace alone, it can be bestowed upon any he so chooses.
But He is a just and Holy God, true to His word.

Saying He will go against His son, when He said "No one comes to the Father...", then you are calling Him a liar.
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