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Well-Known Member
I think most people would be surprised to learn how many churches have massive amounts of debt.
Your time to shine, lets hear it. Give some numbers. This is not a denial or affirmation on my part, I'm just saying you are blowing smoke and can't back up your claim.
Your side is like that when you don't like something though.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The Christian Church you mean.....
Not much has changed.
Until Martin Luther came along.
The Protestants protested that along with many of the Catholic Church practices.
Of course, back then, the Catholic Church was the equivalent of the National Government
so your comment "Not much has changed." applies quite well to the various Governments around the world.


Retired 23 years
He is kind, He is Just, He doesn't need your money, it's not your's anyway.
Rod, when you die, How much money will you leave?
Not much—I’m having too much fun with it now. I will have a lot of toys and some nice property to pass on though


Well-Known Member
Not much—I’m having too much fun with it now. I will have a lot of toys and some nice property to pass on though
I worded the question incorrectly, Should have been, How much will you leave? I blew it though. Your answer shows you aren't a greedy person that stores up. I hope your days of having fun are long. Oh, thank you for your service in the armed forces, thanks Vet.


Inordinately Right
Until Martin Luther came along.
The Protestants protested that along with many of the Catholic Church practices.
Oh please.
The reformers were just upset that they couldn't afford to buy their way into power. The printing press gave them the opportunity to spread their own scam.

The new technology and the spread of knowledge was the Catholic Church's downfall.

Even now, educated people are abandoning organized religion in droves. Free exchange of knowledge is the enemy of religion. It's in Genesis ffs.


Well-Known Member
He didn't create bad people. He created Adam then formed Eve from Adam's rib. And they walked with God. Eve chose to do the one thing God explicitly told them not to do, an act of free will. I'll credit you with having enough sense to figure the rest out. If you can't, I'll be around to walk you through it.
How convenient.:happy2:


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Darn Satan, who created that guy anyway?
Angels are created beings . They can not pro-create.
Angels are have free will, just like humans.
Before creation ( the physical and humans )
Satan ( a fallen angel because of choice) chooses to challenge God and his authority and is cast out of heaven.
I'd give you scripture but I figure this is enough for the funny face.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So anything good gets credited to god and anything bad is the work of the devil. How convenient. God better step up his act—he’s falling WAY behind. Apparently god don’t have a MAR
God has already stepped up.
Man not God is behind.
He continues to choose evil and sin and not God and His righteousness . You reap what you sow. Look around.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Could it be that your assumption that God intervenes in the day to day lives of humans is at error?

What if 'God' set things up with 'natural laws' and let things happen as they may ... a big experiment and we are the viruses.

MouseMan... You are on it.
He did. The laws of the nature are set. I don't think we are an experiment. He knows the end at the beginning.
Just for fun--If a natural law is violated , ( against nature ) you're talking miracle.--Hasn't been one for 2000 years.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I seem to remember my priest stating that man was created in the image of god. If we are flawed then he must be also.
Moses wrote "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them" (Gen. 1:26, 27).
These verses affirm that God is the creator, man the created; and they also say man was created in the image of God. God is the pattern for man. God is not an old, but the original, image in whose likeness He created man.
He is the archetype: "the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies" . God is the original author, the source for man's image.

These passages do not say that God is flesh, and they are not dealing with the shape, form, and contour of God or mans body. "God is a Spirit" (John 4:24), and "a spirit hath not flesh and bones" (Luke 24: 39). These passages deal with uprightness and character. They mean that when God created man in his image, man was upright, pure, and holy.
God did not create man in a fallen or sinful condition, but rather in his own likeness. Man knew no sin; he was perfect. The Almighty had created him. In this condition of uprightness the created reflected the glory of the Creator.
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