

Well-Known Member
Most working people had insurance they could afford that actually covered them. In your world everyone must have insurance even if it means the overwhelming majority must now pay a lot more for insurance that does little beyond catastrophic care. And requires provisions to cover items many will never need, further driving up costs. Which is all intended for one thing, driving out private insurers and making the gov't the single payer. That's the objective, not some pious concern for the poor uninsured.

Employer based insurance will not work for a nation like America. That's a fact.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Most working people had insurance they could afford that actually covered them. In your world everyone must have insurance even if it means the overwhelming majority must now pay a lot more for insurance that does little beyond catastrophic care. And requires provisions to cover items many will never need, further driving up costs. Which is all intended for one thing, driving out private insurers and making the gov't the single payer. That's the objective, not some pious concern for the poor uninsured.
Ya all those pesky essential benefits like ambulance rides, prescription drugs and doctors visits. I can't wait for the freedom to buy an "insurance" plan that doesn't cover my trips to the doctor or the drugs I need to live.


Well-Known Member
Ya all those pesky essential benefits like ambulance rides, prescription drugs and doctors visits. I can't wait for the freedom to buy an "insurance" plan that doesn't cover my trips to the doctor or the drugs I need to live.
Oh it went way beyond that and you know it. And was supposed to save an average family what was it, $2500 a year but now is costing that family many thousands more, depending on the state just how much more. Might not need to go to the doctor for years but will have to shell out those costs annually in an economy many can ill afford to. Yeah that's affordable.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Oh it went way beyond that and you know it. And was supposed to save an average family what was it, $2500 a year but now is costing that family many thousands more, depending on the state just how much more. Might not need to go to the doctor for years but will have to shell out those costs annually in an economy many can ill afford to. Yeah that's affordable.
How does Republicare fix those problems?


Well-Known Member
Employer based insurance will not work for a nation like America. That's a fact.
It was and it did. But then again more and more seek the gov't dole. Got to insure them somehow. I know, let's let working Americans pay for everyone else. It's time those smug middle classers suffer with the working class. It's justice I tell you!


Well-Known Member
How does Republicare fix any problems in the health insurance industry?
You make it sound as if there's this set in stone plan in place to screw us all. The Repubs are well aware of the political fallout if they don't get this right. Which is why some provisions of Obamacare are being left in place. I think they should've let Obamacare run it's course so that the country would have no doubt as to who screwed up what. But people are hurting because of it, something has to be done. Beyond desperately wanting single payer if you think Obamacare got it right you are out of your mind.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
You make it sound as if there's this set in stone plan in place to screw us all. The Repubs are well aware of the political fallout if they don't get this right. Which is why some provisions of Obamacare are being left in place. I think they should've let Obamacare run it's course so that the country would have no doubt as to who screwed up what. But people are hurting because of it, something has to be done. Beyond desperately wanting single payer if you think Obamacare got it right you are out of your mind.
Everyone knows the ACA has problems. How does the current republican bill fix any of them?


Well-Known Member
So the part where if you were in the individual market and you forgot to put down that you had asthma as a kid your coverage would get canceled when you got a cancer diagnosis was working well?

I'm not talking about extreme scenario's we had a great system that worked for most of us and that minimized cost issues.


Well-Known Member
Everyone knows the ACA has problems. How does the current republican bill fix any of them?
I honestly don't know if it can be fixed. The ACA drove up costs to the point it may be impossible to bring them down. What I don't get is the need to defend the ACA when it worsened healthcare for most Americans. But someone has to try to bring relief but since it's the Republicans literally everything they do will be opposed by you. Especially if they come up with something good because the last thing you want is people thinking the Repubs did some good for them. There are two Republican bills. The Senate bill is a work in progress then the final versions must be reconciled and voted on before Trump ever has a chance to sign it into law. So premature to say this bill is this or that.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I honestly don't know if it can be fixed. The ACA drove up costs to the point it may be impossible to bring them down. What I don't get is the need to defend the ACA when it worsened healthcare for most Americans. But someone has to try to bring relief but since it's the Republicans literally everything they do will be opposed by you. Especially if they come up with something good because the last thing you want is people thinking the Repubs did some good for them. There are two Republican bills. The Senate bill is a work in progress then the final versions must be reconciled and voted on before Trump ever has a chance to sign it into law. So premature to say this bill is this or that.
It's not premature to debate the current proposed bill. Why do you support it if you don't know how it will impact the problems with health insurance?