Right to Work


Well-Known Member
RTW states have the lowest cost of living ... not standard of living.
Ask UPSers in New Jersey if they would rather live in Atlanta ... there are probably 20 people in Jersey applying for every one position open in Atlanta.
I paid $330k for a 5600 Sq Ft house on 8 acres bordered by a creek and my annual taxes are less than $4k.
It would be several million in New Jersey and probably $30K in taxes.
We have some of the best schools in the nation (outside of the City of Atlanta), excellent hospitals, art venues and museums, concert venues.

I spent time in New Jersey and Maryland ... overpriced crappy living and extremely over-crowded.

Living in a RTW state is a much more pleasant experience.
I will admit that UPS does not treat it workers with respect or compassion in Georgia but still a lot better than UPS treats Yankees.

Thank you Monkey Butt for admitting the truth.


Well-Known Member
The average wait time to become a driver is 8 years. But this is all normal in a non-RTW state.

Except I'm in a non-RTW state and the wait to go driving here is less than 2 months. So much for that theory.

Which management, who the union stewards serve, tries to fire us before we make 5 years.

Stewards serve the members. If you have concerns of misconduct, speak with your business agent at the union hall.
Except I'm in a non-RTW state and the wait to go driving here is less than 2 months. So much for that theory.

Stewards serve the members. If you have concerns of misconduct, speak with your business agent at the union hall.
Or just vote him out. He probably doesn't go to any union meetings like most members.

Just like to Bitch about it.


Inordinately Right
Sure is a lot of anecdotal evidence, and not a lot of facts in here.

Bottom line, no one is forced to join the union. Ups is not a monopoly. Don't want to join the union? Fed Ex is hiring.


Old fart Package Car Driver
RTW states have the lowest cost of living ... not standard of living.
Ask UPSers in New Jersey if they would rather live in Atlanta ... there are probably 20 people in Jersey applying for every one position open in Atlanta.
I paid $330k for a 5600 Sq Ft house on 8 acres bordered by a creek and my annual taxes are less than $4k.
It would be several million in New Jersey and probably $30K in taxes.
We have some of the best schools in the nation (outside of the City of Atlanta), excellent hospitals, art venues and museums, concert venues.

I spent time in New Jersey and Maryland ... overpriced crappy living and extremely over-crowded.

We both know that the problem with NJ is the taxes. If you are in South Jersey, the house price would be close but the taxes on your house would probably be $20 K. Depends on where in Md since anywhere close to Baltimore or Wash DC is triple the price.

My point is I can find an example of lower prices for every high price you find. The government stats are 13 of the 14 lowest standard of living states happen to be RTW.
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Old fart Package Car Driver
We don't get the right to sign any union list until after a year. We don't get the right to a pension until after 5 years. Which management, who the union stewards serve, tries to fire us before we make 5 years. The average wait time to become a driver is 8 years. But this is all normal in a non-RTW state.

After over a year in, I was written up the other day over misloads. I've always have misloads, I can't help it, a combination of Alexia and ADHD both verified by multiple doctors and DNA tests. I read the numbers out of order, triple check, and misload 1 in 100. When I worked in trucks done by store or address; zero misloads. Then they switch me back to the HIN trucks and scream at me about it viciously; as if there's something I can do.

I hope you're not serious.

My building has about 1/3 of the drivers list having less than 5 years and at least 1/10 of the list having less than 3 years WITH THE COMPANY. That is p/t and friend/t combined.

Yes, I'm serious.


Old fart Package Car Driver
We don't get the right to sign any union list until after a year. We don't get the right to a pension until after 5 years. Which management, who the union stewards serve, tries to fire us before we make 5 years. The average wait time to become a driver is 8 years. But this is all normal in a non-RTW state.

Every pension fund in the US has a level for vesting. Doesn't matter if it is Union or NonUnion. Doesn't matter if it is Public or private. I can't preak to your drivers list because I don't know your building but my area has had a huge growth between 30-35 years ago so everyone has been retiring for the last 5-10 years so the bottom guys have moved up quickly to friend/t positions.

If I was on the East Coast in the South I would expect a huge turnover very soon because there was a lot of growth and building soon after a series of hurricanes where the drivers are reaching retirement age.


Nine Lives
We both know that the problem with NJ is the taxes. If you are in South Jersey, the house price would be close but the taxes on your house would probably be $20 K. Depends on where in Md since anywhere close to Baltimore or Wash DC is triple the price.

My point is I can find an example of lower prices for every high price you find. The government stats are 13 of the 14 lowest standard of living states happen to be RTW.
Doesn't support my argument, therefore ...




The resident gearhead
I feel as those many of these anti-RTW people have little experience with unions.

This is the dumbest thing I've read today. Also, it's restaurant. French.

I mainly offered 2 fundamental points because I don't want to get into the corrupt game government-union politics.
  • You're taking money from people who made a bad decision and offer nothing in return
  • Why would you ever force people to join a union? A 'brotherhood'?

Know how I know you don't live in a RTW state? Well maybe you live in a bad one, but then you certainly haven't lived in a non-RTW state.
You applied for a union job. The union didn't come to your house and force you to join.


Well-Known Member
You applied for a union job. The union didn't come to your house and force you to join.
In some markets the only decent jobs are union jobs.

Pro union people can spin this as only union jobs provide fair ware

Rtw people can spin this as, the free market left because of high wages that have increased the cost of living massively and pushed "manufacturing and blue color" people to rtw states where they can get by much better with a lower cost of living and non union jobs.

Pick your poison.


Well-Known Member
In a RTW state - one has to pay dues - no discussion. They claim as since it's in the contract it is mandatory. I live in a RTW state and it happended to someone I know that worked at UPS.


Gone Fish'n
In a RTW state - one has to pay dues - no discussion. They claim as since it's in the contract it is mandatory. I live in a RTW state and it happended to someone I know that worked at UPS.
On Brown Cafe someone I know said we have to pay dues in RTW states because it's in the contract, it happened to someone I didn't know.


Old fart Package Car Driver
Every pension fund in the US has a level for vesting. Doesn't matter if it is Union or NonUnion. Doesn't matter if it is Public or private. I can't speak to your drivers list because I don't know your building but my area has had a huge growth between 30-35 years ago so everyone has been retiring for the last 5-10 years so the bottom guys have moved up quickly to friend/t positions.

If I was on the East Coast in the South I would expect a huge turnover very soon because there was a lot of growth and building soon after a series of hurricanes where the drivers are reaching retirement age.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
In a RTW state - one has to pay dues - no discussion. They claim as since it's in the contract it is mandatory. I live in a RTW state and it happended to someone I know that worked at UPS.

Nope. You've gotta sign a membership card in a RTW state. If RTW state locals were pulling dues out of paychecks without authorization, Republicans would be having a field day with it.


Well-Known Member
I will be the first person in my building to stop paying dues as soon as this contract is up. My state just went RTW, and I can't wait to get a $22 raise each week. Our union is less than worthless. Maybe if they actually have to EARN the money you give them, they'll start actually doing what you pay them to do. As it stands, they have no accountability and take the money you worked for regardless if they earn it or not.

Don't give me the BS about how we get paid so much because of the union. The union has been nowhere to be found as UPS has slowly made this job unbearable for most people. Even with the "industry leading wages", they have nobody walking in that door these days to be a driver. That's why you're starting to see guys with tattoos and dreads. They have to take whatever they can get.


Well-Known Member
What a surprise!
Your post indicates they're already at the bottom of the barrel...

Your post indicates that you hold your ankles more than a diad. I'm glad there's people like you, because it will keep the union president from having his new Harley repo'd. maybe he'll give you a "stop the war on workers" bumper sticker to put next to your Hillary bumper sticker.:thumbup1:


Old fart Package Car Driver
I will be the first person in my building to stop paying dues as soon as this contract is up. My state just went RTW, and I can't wait to get a $22 raise each week. Our union is less than worthless. Maybe if they actually have to EARN the money you give them, they'll start actually doing what you pay them to do. As it stands, they have no accountability and take the money you worked for regardless if they earn it or not.

Don't give me the BS about how we get paid so much because of the union. The union has been nowhere to be found as UPS has slowly made this job unbearable for most people. Even with the "industry leading wages", they have nobody walking in that door these days to be a driver. That's why you're starting to see guys with tattoos and dreads. They have to take whatever they can get.

I am sure if you get in trouble you will handle it yourself instead of expecting the Union to fight for you like so many other freeloaders. I am amazed at how many people expect any kind of service for free.


Well-Known Member
I am sure if you get in trouble you will handle it yourself instead of expecting the Union to fight for you like so many other freeloaders. I am amazed at how many people expect any kind of service for free.

I've been a FT driver for 13 years. I have never "been in trouble" or received the first warning letter. If you do what you're supposed to do, then you don't need "representation" (and I use that term loosely.) If I were to screw up bad enough to warrant getting in trouble, then I'll take responsibility for it. I understand the difference between right and wrong, I'm honest, and I know how to do the job. I don't work harder at not working than I do actually working. THOSE are the employees that need the union to sit in there and try to convince management that they're not a brain dead idiots- even when their actions say otherwise.

Beyond that, there in no "fight" in the union. They do a world class con job convincing weak minded people that they couldn't survive without them watching your back.