A union is not worth having if you're interested in low wages and poor or nonexistent benefits. I'll tell you my argument against right to work laws. Those laws say the union is required to represent non-union bargaining members if they get disciplined. Why should my dues pay for the union to waste time representing a scab? I notice none of you cheerleaders for RTW mention that part.
So your principles are for not making scabs pay union dues if they don't want to, while they benefit from what dues paying members have worked and fought for? But you don't care about union members having to pay benefits for scabs that opt out? So your fairness argument holds no water.
The whole idea of a union is strength in numbers. That's the only way it works in non-professional jobs. And that's the bargain you get when you want to get a job with this pay and benefits. Without that unity, we would have none of the things we have.
Are there problems with unions? Of course. You'd be blind or ignorant to believe you would never have problems with the union, like you would with any other organization representing you. You'll never get what you always want. But if you weigh the good against the bad, the good towers over the bad.
People get spoiled at this job, and tend to ignore what they have when they are grieved. That's horribly short-sided and just lazy. People love to bitch and moan about the union, like it's some dictatorship in some far off land, but they can't comprehend the union is looking at them in the mirror. Almost without exception, the guys complaining about the union are the ones you NEVER see at a union meeting. If you've got a problem, you've got a place and a voice to air that problem if you take some ownership of what you're always complaining about. But most people, in my experience, would rather take the easy way out, and blame someone else for their problems. It's the new American way.
You things would be so great without a union? Uh-huh. Then why are contractors that so often haul our freight get paid a fraction of what we get paid? According to your thesis, they would be doing just fine on their own. But clearly, they're not.
And the data shows RTW states have lower wages and benefits than states without.
“Right-to-Work” States Still Have Lower Wages