Rubios response to State of the Union.


Staff member
Obsess much, MSNBC?

Via Daily Caller:
“Zero Dark Thirsty,” “Swing and a Miss,” “Parch Madness,” “Tough Swallow,” “Just Add Water,” and “Water Under the Bridge” were a handful of the phrases used on-air by MSNBC on Wednesday to mock Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio for awkwardly pausing to take a sip of water while delivering the official Republican response to the State of the Union address.

Throughout the broadcast day, between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. EST, MSNBC showed a replay of Rubio’s swig approximately 155 times — 101 of which came during “The Rachel Maddow Show,” which played the moment on loop at the bottom of the screen for more than 13 minutes.
Wow I didn't see it, but it must have been a great speech if the water is the only thing the left wing loons can mock!!!


All Trash No Trailer


golden ticket member
The GOP could have Jesus Christ the son of God and the left would attack him. They are programmed to attack whoever. They are looking a little silly with this "water thing" !!

MSNBC has been looking a little silly since Chris Matthews uttered the famous "tingle" comment.........Madow adds to the silliness too!! I don't see how anyone can take them seriously!!


Age quod agis
BO has given well more than 1800 speeches in 4 years, that is more than one a day.... How could you not be the best speech giver in the country with that much practice?

I am glad Rubio got this out of the way. It will only make him better.

I seem to recall a speech by Billy before he became the Pres.
I recall a comatose delivery until Billy developed his mantra, "I feel your pain."


Staff member
This post, full of hateful comments, shows that Rubio is making a difference. The left wing loons only notice the drink of water! They HATE that Rubio just paid back his $100,000 loan just a few months ago. They HATE that he lives in a middle class neighborhood. They HATE that Rubio represents the GOP from a middle class background. They HATE that he is one generation removed from immigrants who came to this country legally. They HATE that they can't paint him as a rich white snob. They HATE that he is smart, articulate, charismatic, and young. There is a lot to HATE and there is nobody better at getting it done.

Congratulations Marco Rubio! In two short years, you have moved to the level of demonization by the left wing loons. That is a large accomplishment.

My first post stated that the left would have a field day with that drink of water. Thanks for making my statement credible.

Keep your hateful and disparaging remarks coming. It shows how scared you are running and that Marco Rubio is making a difference.


(The left's way of saying "I hate you" righties) At least put a winking smiley face after "Peace"
That would make alot of sense if you hadn't said the same about Herman Cain.


Well-Known Member
Wow .

Never ceases to amaze me. If the Right were making comments about a woman, a Black or a Latin Politician for drinking a sip of water ---the uproar would be deafening ---the race cards would all be flying out of the deck.


Well-Known Member
I find it amusing. If taking a drink of water is the only thing the marxists can come up with then Rubio has a bright future ahead of him.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
That would make alot of sense if you hadn't said the same about Herman Cain.

HUH? If you are going to make statement like that, you should point out the post you are referencing. How can I comment on that without some reference.

I still like Herman Cain. Just because the left demonizes someone doesn't mean I change my position. If Cain was in a coma, he would be a better president than BO in my opinion. I base my opinion on seeing BO in action for over 5 years. Listening to him and watching what he actually does. He is by far IMO, THE worst president I have seen in action in my lifetime. He overshadows Carter big time.

I realize that is not your opinion and I respect that. I realize that all of us base our POV on our events (that) and people (who) have influenced our life. When we work together through strong leadership we can tap into all our diverse backgrounds and can make a powerful difference. You can't be a divisive president and expect to leave a positive legacy. Ain't gonna happen!

The more you get to know someone, your opinion may change you may see flaws that make you want to distance yourself from them or not. I base my opinion on my own observation not on someone else's opinion.

Take Sarah Palin, was a fan in the beginning... not a fan now. This has nothing to do with the left or the right or any outside influence. It is based on my observation of her in all the different interviews she has done.


All Trash No Trailer
women.jpgI cant wait until 2016 when Hillary Clinton kicks his ass. As far as the Right,why did the only 22 dissenting votes against the Violence Against Women Act come from 22 Republicans????vote the bums out!


golden ticket member
To be fair........whenever there is a need to ask what else was on this bill? Sometimes people vote "no" because all kinds of junk issues are attached (pork) to important bills.


Well-Known Member
To be fair........whenever there is a need to ask what else was on this bill? Sometimes people vote "no" because all kinds of junk issues are attached (pork) to important bills.

The problem here is 728ups isn't interested in being fair. In fact I doubt 728ups even knows what is in the "Violence against women act". You are correct, it is just a title and meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Maybe it was loaded up with pork barrel spending, or maybe it had nothing to do with violence against women, but because the title says it is then people like 728ups who are intellectually dishonest at their very core will grasp at that bundle of straws to make a few elected leaders look bad when its completely undeserved.


Well-Known Member
Obsess much, MSNBC?

Via Daily Caller:
“Zero Dark Thirsty,” “Swing and a Miss,” “Parch Madness,” “Tough Swallow,” “Just Add Water,” and “Water Under the Bridge” were a handful of the phrases used on-air by MSNBC on Wednesday to mock Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio for awkwardly pausing to take a sip of water while delivering the official Republican response to the State of the Union address.

Throughout the broadcast day, between 5 a.m. and 11 p.m. EST, MSNBC showed a replay of Rubio’s swig approximately 155 times — 101 of which came during “The Rachel Maddow Show,” which played the moment on loop at the bottom of the screen for more than 13 minutes.
I do not miss any of this. This is why I left the US and live very well on my pension after my time with UPS.
My biggest challenge is measuring how big the turtles grow in South America.