Saturday after Thanksgiving


Well-Known Member
To build off of this though, and to kind of go on what he is saying, the company does an absolutely horrendous job of training us how to use ORION as supervisors. If we don't understand it, and it is hurting our results because it is a mess, it's not going to be used.

I've learned more from trial and error in ORION than I have through any resource they provide. If they want to really utilize it, they need to stop acting like nothing is different than before.

The District even when done and disbanding Orion deployment teams should keep an Orion coordinator position in IE. I am sure if you reach out to that person they would be happy to rush right down and give you training and answer any question or concerns...:lol::lol:

OK, I almost managed to type that with a straight face. Yeah, training was seriously lacking in our district for center management on orion as well, par for the course.

On the bright side, if you teach yourself enough and become an Orion subject matter expert, you might be able to slide into that Orion Coordinator position and move into an IE finger pointing role. And not have to actually work for a living anymore... just food for thought.


Well-Known Member
You can't.

It's gotta be tough, to carry that burden of hypocrisy.

Management = integrity ?

Since when ?

Just remember, your boys.... agreed to it.


Since always. Just depends on which management you are talking about. The same as with Drivers, stewards, BA's, Local and national Presidents and General Secretaries, etc.


Resident Suit
The District even when done and disbanding Orion deployment teams should keep an Orion coordinator position in IE. I am sure if you reach out to that person they would be happy to rush right down and give you training and answer any question or concerns...:lol::lol:

OK, I almost managed to type that with a straight face. Yeah, training was seriously lacking in our district for center management on orion as well, par for the course.

On the bright side, if you teach yourself enough and become an Orion subject matter expert, you might be able to slide into that Orion Coordinator position and move into an IE finger pointing role. And not have to actually work for a living anymore... just food for thought.
Interviewed for a planner position, so finger pointing is hopefully in my future.

I just think ORION was botched from the beginning and it killed what could have been a successful thing. Now when they come up with V2 they will have to call it something else just to get the hell away from the name.


IE boogeyman
Since when?

every peak ever is about volume, not stops

The District even when done and disbanding Orion deployment teams should keep an Orion coordinator position in IE. I am sure if you reach out to that person they would be happy to rush right down and give you training and answer any question or concerns...:lol::lol:

as a matter of fact there are ORION training positions in the districts now, usually like 2 people per
not a flood but it's a start

Interviewed for a planner position, so finger pointing is hopefully in my future..
hope you get it but we get finger pointing, not give it

see you on an org chart soon


Well-Known Member
Taking you at your word, the one reason this could come about that springs immediately to mind is that the implementation was seriously flawed. Orion is a garbage in, garbage out system. If the implementation is badly flawed, so will the results by. Also, orion is impemented on the foundation of DPS, so if the trace and other aspects of the original DPS/PAS deployment were bad, you are trying to build a rickety house on a shaky foundation. Not a good idea.
Absolutely correct. Ups implemented this on their existing foundation full of flaws. Just like they do everything expecting a perfect result


Got the T-Shirt
Since always. Just depends on which management you are talking about. The same as with Drivers, stewards, BA's, Local and national Presidents and General Secretaries, etc.


But, I'd be willing to wager the average hourly employee has had more negative experiences

with the integrity of management.... than they ever will with the Union.



Well-Known Member
it's not about the stops, it's about the preloads ability to process the work

if the preload goes past their peak capacity, it rolls, that's all there is to it

inside ops is pure math you can't just "get it done" when you're 25-30k over your processing capacity and 20-30 vehicles over your load capacity.......

...and at, literally, any other company in the world, this would be considered an operations failure, and heads would roll. At UPS, anything less than a wasteland of burning hubs surrounded by piles of dead bodies after peak is considered a "success." Even then, they'd gladly ignore the bodies and burned out buildings if they came out $.10 ahead for the year. Dave :censored2:ing Abney needs another salary increase, after all.


Well-Known Member
Only in IE can someone sit on the other side of the table and grade how someone perceives their own life experiences.

Actually, my ability to rate an experience I witnessed and judge others incorrect perception of it actually went up after I left IE for operations. But I appreciate the compliment.

Take the experience I witnessed of a most important stop PCM once. There last party of the PCM was basically your family wants you to make it to your last stop safely.
One of the drivers went OFF, ranting about how management was "talking about my family. Don't talk about my family!!".
That's an employee that would say he had a negative experience with management disrespecting his family. And even though I was no longer in IE, I feel comfortable grading his perception of that life experience as total BS.

Although, in the fairness of hindsight I do acknowledge we were saying your family wants you to come home safely at the end of the day, and in the case of that particular a-hole we might have been wrong.

But that type of willful miss interpretation of management actions and statements by hourlies happens every day in just about every UPS operation.


Resident Suit
Actually, my ability to rate an experience I witnessed and judge others incorrect perception of it actually went up after I left IE for operations. But I appreciate the compliment.

Take the experience I witnessed of a most important stop PCM once. There last party of the PCM was basically your family wants you to make it to your last stop safely.
One of the drivers went OFF, ranting about how management was "talking about my family. Don't talk about my family!!".
That's an employee that would say he had a negative experience with management disrespecting his family. And even though I was no longer in IE, I feel comfortable grading his perception of that life experience as total BS.

Although, in the fairness of hindsight I do acknowledge we were saying your family wants you to come home safely at the end of the day, and in the case of that particular a-hole we might have been wrong.

But that type of willful miss interpretation of management actions and statements by hourlies happens every day in just about every UPS operation.
See @TearsInRain, this is what an IE guy with operations experience sounds like.