Did any seasonal people stick their nose in when you guys were whining and threatening to go on strike.. no. why would they? They respect the fact that people have the right to try and better their pay, work environment and whatever else they feel is unfair and are very happy for you when it goes well, their on your side.
Granted a seasonal worker is not in the Union (even though they're paying union dues out of their tiny little checks) correct me if I'm wrong but don't they have a right to have their voice heard or to have a chance to better their spot and voice what they feel is unfair. Any sensible person with a half a brain can see it's unfair. As a matter of fact I worked for 4 years as a seasonal worker and talk to many drivers including five different drivers I worked for this year and every single one of them felt it was unfair and that seasonal workers were getting the shaft. That's at least 15 out of 15 drivers they can't all be lying or be wrong. I mean don't drivers appreciate the helpers don't they want to see them get treated fairly. Must not think too highly of seasonal workers if you don't care if they're getting treated unfairly.. All the guy did was ask where his union dues were going and what benefits did he have from the money that taken out of his check by a union that he is not even part of. Doesn't have the right to ask that and isn't that a good question? Maybe I can think of what a Christian full-time I play with chime in and give the guy a hard time and tell him to his mommy didn't tell him he was joining a union or whatever the only thing I can think of is people are worried they know they're getting the money under their Union and they're protecting the money that they ripped off from the seasonal workers I mean let's call it what it is complete rip off. Funny how you're against the union when you want your rights your raise from 40$ to $45 an hour and want! 65 sick days instead of 60 once you get it all sudden you're on Union side pushing around the seasonal worker that making $18 an hour part time. You know you're full-time people don't give a crap if it's fair or not you're not going to look at it not one of you because you're all happy that the got what you wanted from the union and if I got her you're not going to sit here and talk bad about him that's for sure fair or not talk about a scab now that's a scab. Seasonal workers are supposed to be on your side at the very least don't say anything let them voice what they have to say just like you got to say what you had to say with nobody mocking pr ridiculing you
Took me 4 years to see it for what it is UPS Union is a rip off they're ripping off seasonal workers by taking money out of their checks a large amount of money. your first check if you didn't work a full week it's already part-time so if you didn't get that many hours your first week it don't matter they're taking what they take out of it and you're not getting even half of it. And remember before we start first day you had to get proper shoes and clothes that you could wear so you look presentable so that cost money Initiation fee what a bunch of bogus initiation to what? you're not in the union.
You're being initiated into the group of SUCKERS THAT FINANCE A UNION THEY'RE NOT EVEN IN CLUB. This should be on the news it should be uncovered it should be exposed for what it is.
Seasonal workers we're hired by andwork for ups.
Anybody intercepting money out of someone's check before they get it stealing I don't care who it is. Just because UPS makes you sign a sheet saying that they're going to be taking out union dues but you know if you don't sign you're not going to get hired so what do you do you sign it.
Since when is any type of group that involves a membership (healthcare, 401k etc etc) so eager to recruit an employee on their first day of work without even meeting them ? UPS Eagan Union teamsters #$$$$$$ know l so they have to get them in the Union as quick as they can so that they can take the money as fast as they can before they even know what hits them. Union doesn't even do anything for seasonal workers if they just did one one thing and just to make it look good they don't even do that just take it. Pay for the uniforms do something I mean make him feel like they're getting something but nothing not a damn thing. I don't have time to worry about corrections you get the point this ain't even going to make it to print anyway it'll get intercepted it's like the seasonal workers first check pick 6. I slowly seasonal workers are still waiting for someone to come up with one thing that benefits the seasonal workers by paying union dues out of their check just one that's all. It's the original question to all this and it still hasn't been answered. Just because somebody doing a nervous interview signs of sheet saying they'll let UPS take out union dues and if you don't sign it you're not going to get hired doesn't make it right