Seat belt Motion In Package Car


Been around the block a few times
So try this.
When you release your belt hook it over the top of your steering wheel at say 1 oclock.
When you return to truck, hit your FOB as you are sitting down. Hit green to prime the system. Grab seatbelt at latch with right hand and click it in place while at the same time starting the engine with left hand.


Well-Known Member
Just an FYI with what works for me: First move-left hand grabs belt as right hand hits start button. Second move-Left hand gives belt to right hand. Third move-right hand buckles as left hand hits turn signal and continues down to drop P brake. Forth move-left hand to steering wheel as right hand shifts into drive.

My head moves-left mirror at belt grab, right mirror at buckle/P brake, and left shoulder at shift.

I have a resi run, 170-200 stops daily. 30'ish commercial and average 90 miles. Today Orion had me at 149 miles and 11.5 hours but did it in 122 miles and off clock at 9.5. What a wonderful piece of technology Orion is....... NOT
You sound like a runner Ben....


Package Car is cake compared to this...
Damn!---I couldn't do 200 stops in 9.5 if they were all located in a huge apartment building next door to UPS----and the apt. office signed for them all.

Many of these package car drivers are a completely different breed from when we were there.


Well-Known Member
This is how you put your seatbelt on.

If you don't have a keyfob, insert key before you sit down.

Sit down

Put your seatbelt on.

Start vehicle.

If you cant do it with one hand, and If a sup says to use one hand, kindly ask him to show you because the seatbelt is old and it's too tight to pull across your body.

The whole one arm thing is just asking for a torn rotator cuff but they're too stupid to realize that.

So use your left hand to pull the seatbelt to your right hand, then use your right hand to secure it.

I've never had a problem with that and it's quick enough they never talk about it.


Well-Known Member
This is how you put your seatbelt on.

If you don't have a keyfob, insert key before you sit down.

Sit down

Put your seatbelt on.

Start vehicle.

If you cant do it with one hand, and If a sup says to use one hand, kindly ask him to show you because the seatbelt is old and it's too tight to pull across your body.

The whole one arm thing is just asking for a torn rotator cuff but they're too stupid to realize that.

So use your left hand to pull the seatbelt to your right hand, then use your right hand to secure it.

I've never had a problem with that and it's quick enough they never talk about it.

This is pretty much the way I do it. I've never had a sup question this method.

I just didn't know if using the 1 arm method could really be so much more efficient.


Well-Known Member
And when you get the seatbelt down you can work on taking only ONE step from the seat to the door. Extend your right foot as you stand, pivot and face bulkhead door.

Anyone else remember that gem? :)


Well-Known Member
Also, that method was originally written for when we only had lap belts. Using that method for a shoulder belt is meaningless.

That's one main reason why I don't use it.


Well-Known Member
And when you get the seatbelt down you can work on taking only ONE step from the seat to the door. Extend your right foot as you stand, pivot and face bulkhead door.

Anyone else remember that gem? :)
Pivot on your butt in the seat then stand straight up. When I pivot on my knee too much I start wanting ibuprofen.


Well-Known Member
Also, that method was originally written for when we only had lap belts. Using that method for a shoulder belt is meaningless.

That's one main reason why I don't use it.

Oh now that makes sense! Thank you. I never knew that.

I thought it seemed pretty crazy to over extend your arm/shoulder to reach over body, especially when they always talk about "end range motion".

That was very useful info. :)

Rack em

Made the Podium
As you walk back to your package car pull out your phone and start texting, forget to use 3 points of contact when entering your PC, sit down, push button on fob, grab seat belt with left hand, while still texting try to put seat belt on with right hand, CLICK, drop phone on accident, UNCLICK, repeat previous steps until you can hang onto your phone, finish text message, push green button to start, realize you never shut the vehicle off, put it in drive and go


Well-Known Member
Huh? The pkg car will not start unless you hold the start button.

In our center they want us to have the seat belt fastened before starting the pkg car.

Not true try it.

Great you do it your way I'll do it my way. I also have my seat belt off before the car is turned off so when the door releases I'm already to grab the next package in the 1000 or 2000 section. I never had a SUP say anything to me about it even during my yearly safety ride....


Well-Known Member
I can not for the life of me buckle up one handed while starting the car with my other hand.

I feel like my arms are simply not long enough to cross my body and attach the seat belt with some discomfort.

So I pull the belt as fast as I can with my left hand then use my right hand to buckle and start the car.

I can do this very very quickly but an wondering if anyone else does it this way. Do you think the 1 arm buckle method makes that much of a difference in terms of saving time between stops?
i do believe if you were injured doing this that UPS would say you performed and unnatural movement. kind of like closing the bulk head door without squaring your shoulders to it... im not sure if you have ever noticed, but UPS methods seem to conflict with each other all the time. going thru and intersection? look left right left. checking your mirrors ecery 5-8 seconds? nope, not without looking front every 2. why? because you never ever ever look from one side to the other withouth first looking forward. right? is there a contradiction there?