The Range
In too deep
Yup, vote no. O'Brien used us for public support and then stabbed us in the back. When UPS takes away the MRA to eat up the raises the majority of pters in my building will be eating a pay cut. It's incredible to witness after all the talk of making tenured part-timers whole.All PT who should be making the contractual minimum of $16.65 and are currently paid more than $21/hr as a result of MRA are subject to have their hourly rate reduced to no less than $21 if this TA gets ratified.
There appears to be no change on language covering the MRA in the TA. So MRA will continue to be given at UPS' will, to whom they wish (not everyone gets the equal bump in pay, although living/working in the same market), and then taken away on a whim. This happens atleast once a year in my hub and people get upset, complain, quit.. the works. Business as usual as a PT worker at UPS for the next 5 years. MRA is a polarizing topic in many buildings including mine. It also doesn't help to retain potential long term employees who won't make it to 9 months or more to get insurance (big selling point for PT). Once they see they are no longer making what they started at MRA, I don't see how that helps to continue staffing operations.
For anyone who is thinking about voting yes and is PT including those from 0-5 YOS, 5-10 YOS & more recently from my experience even 10-15 Years of Service (only a matter of time until the 15-20+ seniority crowd feels it) consider you will most likely find yourself being paid per hour the same or less than the MRA at some point.
So if you have between 10-15 YOS and an MRA that the company chooses not to give you but to others would set everybody working your same location and shift with less seniority or none (yes even seniority employees who have insurance also get them not just new hires) at your rate or higher.
However IF the company was feeling real good about themselves and likes you alot, maybe they will MRA you and all your fellow employees to what the next senior (15-20yr) employee is making. Then it becomes their curse. Sorry for the long post. Hope all of that makes some sense.
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