(Happened just recently btw)
It was another Wednesday for me, the belts had stopped alot and for long times, so much that it took me 2 and a half hours to finish a long trailer. I was the last one to go on break and considering the hot heat in this facility, I decided to cool down for a decent while on the break room. I wasn't tracking my time but I was in there for a good 15-20 minutes. By the time I get back, the head supervisor was sweeping irregs. He told me why I took a "25 minute long break" and honestly I had no idea what to say to him. Apart from them sending me break so late and this mood changing heat, I told him "I don't know what to tell you man, I'm exhausted."
He decided to send me home for that reason.
Now, not to be the irrational one here, but can head supervisors send you home for a petty reason like that? I mean considering that half of our sweepers here are always on their phones half the time and almost everyone here takes 15 minute long breaks, it seemed absurd for him to send me home when im trying to stack my hours up this week. But yeah, idk. Can they do that? I talked to my shop steward about him and im currently just chilling on the break room right now.