SFA predictions


Well-Known Member
Not really that strong. Has FedEx given you any reason to believe otherwise in the last 10-15yrs?
I realize we're all angry and want to get even with FedEx. But think objectively. FedEx had to literally bribe people to stay through Peak 2 Christmases ago. It came out with a more substantial raise last year and said it will come up with a new pay plan this year. They have to because the old timers they count on are retiring in ever bigger numbers. The twenty something's replacing them have no real sense of loyalty because FedEx has taken away the traditional pension and stretched top out to infinity. There's nothing to work for, no reward for time served. Just working to exist, which leads many of them to look elsewhere. And FedEx is saving billions on fuel which looks to last for many years. If they can't keep enough workers to provide decent service their core business, overnight delivery, is in real trouble. So yeah, I think they mean what they say this time. Do they want to pay more? Hell no! But they have to this time. I doubt they'll do anything special for those who've put in 15+ years and aren't even halfway through the pay range. These are cold hearted, greedy people. But their greed has bit them in the backside, and now they're paying for it.


Well-Known Member
Nothing personal but don't get your hopes up.

You should know by now how management lies.
I know it more than most because I've worked with more managers than most. The only way I can see it not happening this time is they actually want to cause a mass exodus out the door.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
It's a Ten Step Plan not a Ten Year Plan. Managers, SM,MD, all want us to assume it's going to be ten years and just because some MD printed it on a pre-SFA flyer doesn't make it so.

Right. They just put it in writing and distributed it to couriers for the sake of it.

Granted, things can change somewhere down the road but there isn't an MD on the planet who commit those words to paper and hand them out to the rank and file if they weren't working on a 10 year plan. There's no way in Hell they'd incriminate themselves like that.

It's called a Ten Step Plan because FedEx knows there is no way in hell anybody is topping out in ten years. How many times in the last ten years have we gotten no raise or a lousy 2-3% raise because the economy sucks or oil prices are high or this or that or the other? What makes you think the next ten years will be any different? Anybody that believes newhires are topping out in ten is a fool. As the saying goes- Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Getting rid of underperforming couriers would be a good way to free up a lot of money. Not that I'm saying that's part of the plan. Not that I'm denying it, either.


Engorged Member
Right. They just put it in writing and distributed it to couriers for the sake of it. invent

Granted, things can change somewhere down the road but there isn't an MD on the planet who commit those words to paper and hand them out to the rank and file if they weren't working on a 10 year plan. There's no way in Hell they'd incriminate themselves like that.

Getting rid of underperforming couriers would be a good way to free up a lot of money. Not that I'm saying that's part of the plan. Not that I'm denying it, either.

At this rate, it will take 10 years to invent the "10 Step Plan". It's a joke, and you're a bad joke.


Well-Known Member
...There's no way in Hell they'd incriminate themselves like that...

Except when you end the meeting with this phrase "We will follow this plan as long as it's financially viable for FedEx to do so."
Granted I don't expect the company to sacrifice itself, but face it, the company is making billions, 1/2 of the options they pay VPs alone would cover the cost of topping almost everyone out"

And yes, under-performing folks should get the boot, firstly they need an accurate measurement tool, 2nd we need managers that take an active role in daily route management, not just saying "are you OK today?" We have FT drivers going out and coming back with less than 6hrs on the clock, meanwhile we have 5 PTers "helping" other routes. Our route optimization, sucks. Way too many routes on road, and the 10 rental trucks we have..


Just telling it like it is
Getting rid of underperforming couriers would be a good way to free up a lot of money. Not that I'm saying that's part of the plan. Not that I'm denying it, either.
So in other words, you don't know what you're talking about.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Except when you end the meeting with this phrase "We will follow this plan as long as it's financially viable for FedEx to do so."
Granted I don't expect the company to sacrifice itself, but face it, the company is making billions, 1/2 of the options they pay VPs alone would cover the cost of topping almost everyone out"

Not even close, even by a conservative estimate. You're vastly underestimating the number of couriers we have in our company. Most of them would require more than $5/hr to reach top of range.

And yes, under-performing folks should get the boot, firstly they need an accurate measurement tool, 2nd we need managers that take an active role in daily route management, not just saying "are you OK today?"

Yet when they actually start taking active roles, we get the shrieks of micromanagement. Good God, something as minor as a GAP report sends 2/3rds of this board into conniptions.