Should Donald Trump be impeached?

Should Donald Trump be impeached

  • Yes-left leaning

    Votes: 11 21.2%
  • No-left leaning

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • Yes-right leaning

    Votes: 5 9.6%
  • No-right leaning

    Votes: 26 50.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Isn't that the hope?
no chris hedges warns of political assassinations like the bombs that were mailed to democrats and media personalities. he warns of fighting in the streets as well. and a power grab by donald trump. i think many americans would support a dictatorship, and wouldnt even know that they live in one because so many dont know the definition of terrorism, or that they endure a economic dictatorship on the daily. "Anarchic lawlessness and tit-for-tat forms of political murder will swiftly turn the United States into a failed and terrifying state."


I'm a star
no chris hedges warns of political assassinations like the bombs that were mailed to democrats and media personalities. he warns of fighting in the streets as well. and a power grab by donald trump. i think many americans would support a dictatorship, and wouldnt even know that they live in one because so many dont know the definition of terrorism, or that they endure a economic dictatorship on the daily. "Anarchic lawlessness and tit-for-tat forms of political murder will swiftly turn the United States into a failed and terrifying state."

We know the definition of terrorism, it's the commies who play word games, giving words alternate definitions in an attempt to confuse and deceive. The commies fear that Trump is going to undo their decades of careful planning and slow infiltration of american cultural and government institutions. That is why they have pulled out all the stops in trying to bring him down. If anyone is going to cause pandemonium and "anarchic lawlessness" it is the communists.


Well-Known Member
We know the definition of terrorism, it's the commies who play word games, giving words alternate definitions in an attempt to confuse and deceive. The commies fear that Trump is going to undo their decades of careful planning and slow infiltration of american cultural and government institutions. That is why they have pulled out all the stops in trying to bring him down. If anyone is going to cause pandemonium and "anarchic lawlessness" it is the communists.
You sound like a Commie.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
no chris hedges warns of political assassinations like the bombs that were mailed to democrats and media personalities. he warns of fighting in the streets as well. and a power grab by donald trump. i think many americans would support a dictatorship, and wouldnt even know that they live in one because so many dont know the definition of terrorism, or that they endure a economic dictatorship on the daily. "Anarchic lawlessness and tit-for-tat forms of political murder will swiftly turn the United States into a failed and terrifying state."
Any post with Chris Hedges in it is useless.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
no chris hedges warns of political assassinations like the bombs that were mailed to democrats and media personalities. he warns of fighting in the streets as well. and a power grab by donald trump. i think many americans would support a dictatorship, and wouldnt even know that they live in one because so many dont know the definition of terrorism, or that they endure a economic dictatorship on the daily.
"Anarchic lawlessness and tit-for-tat forms of political murder will swiftly turn the United States into a failed and terrifying state."
I thought we already lived in one.


Well-Known Member
We know the definition of terrorism, it's the commies who play word games, giving words alternate definitions in an attempt to confuse and deceive. The commies fear that Trump is going to undo their decades of careful planning and slow infiltration of american cultural and government institutions. That is why they have pulled out all the stops in trying to bring him down. If anyone is going to cause pandemonium and "anarchic lawlessness" it is the communists.
communists = muslims = terrorists = nazis


Well-Known Member
You really want to go there? Putin invaded while Obama was president. Obama refused to give the Ukrainians weapons, Trump has. Trump has sanctioned the Russians much more than Obama did. What you said isn't the reality.
Yaukovych refused to join the European Union which as the first step toward joining NATO. The US did back his overthrow due to his close ties to Putin . What we got was a loose knit group of neo Nazi's. You don't send arms to a so called government that showed it's willingness to turn it's military on it's own people until a more centralized and government could be established .Trump on the other hand withheld arms donations that were backed with bipartisan congressional support in order to get political favors channeled through his personal attorney rather than through official state department channels. I wonder why?

It's all there in the transcript. A transcript that would not have been made public if Moscow Mitch not told the WH to do so.

El Correcto

god is dead

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez‏Verified account @AOC 2h2 hours ago

Trump Tower used as a piggy bank was enough. 10 incidents of obstruction of justice was enough. Permanently separating children & parents for profit was enough. Detention camps were enough. Muslim ban was enough. Trans servicemember ban was enough. Ukraine is beyond enough.
What about her chief of staff and campaign corruption.

We should impeach AOC.


I'm a star
You sound like a Commie.

Thanks for demonstrating my point. They even distort the meaning of communism. "The Nazi's weren't socialist, you're a Nazi!"


"There's no communist infiltration, ha, ha, nothing to see here. You're the commie. Derp."

By all means, keep up the wishful yearning for some perfect system that will never exist, even when all attempts at such have resulted in nothing short of devastation. While you're living in fantasyland, those of us with the guts to confront reality will take care of the real problems for you. That's all you want anyway, someone else to do everything for you.


I'm a star
communists = muslims = terrorists = nazis

Socialism is the mechanism through which communism will be achieved. Nazi's = socialists. Anyone can be a terrorist. Don't know what the Muslims have to do with it. Theirs is certainly an authoritarian culture, but you defend them as if they were somehow oppressed instead of oppressors. But this is just another example of your communist word games.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Thanks for demonstrating my point. They even distort the meaning of communism. "The Nazi's weren't socialist, you're a Nazi!"


"There's no communist infiltration, ha, ha, nothing to see here. You're the commie. Derp."

By all means, keep up the wishful yearning for some perfect system that will never exist, even when all attempts at such have resulted in nothing short of devastation. While you're living in fantasyland, those of us with the guts to confront reality will take care of the real problems for you. That's all you want anyway, someone else to do everything for you.
He is definitely a parasite on society.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I'm no expert when it comes to politics or the science thereof but here are the possible scenarios i fear the most.
1. Robert Mueller uncovers an international bank fraud, money laundering, tax evasion. obstruction of justice conspiracy in which the Trump organization was involved so egregious and so pervasive that it brings down the global banking system and plunges the world into a global depression so deep that recovery will take generations and possibly WWIII.

2. Articles of impeachment based on incontrovertible evidence are introduced but fails in the House by members who choose to place their political careers ahead of their duties.

3. Articles of impeachment are passed when Trump is indicted on numerous charges but refuses to leave claiming that he has the power to pardon himself. The Supreme Court along with Trump's new minion Brent Kavanaugh votes 5-4 in favor of Trump bringing about a civil unrest not seen since the 1960's.

4. The 2020 GOP national convention pits the Trump backers against the Republican moderates alternative candidate (Ben Sasse?). The moderates
prevail leaving a bitter and obviously vindictive lame duck president in the White House whose behavior becomes increasingly and possibly dangerously erratic .

Instead of laughing off and dismissing these scenarios and or launching personal attacks let's hear some of your own.

I'm just hoping we can stave off the commies/nazi's/socialist/democrat liberals another 4 years.

And for those of you that are laughing this off...the list above is responsible for 200 million deaths of their own people. And alot more in China when they crack down on Hong Kong. And when you savor
removing Trump and get a wing ding communist/socialist like AOC+million. Remember.


Well-Known Member
Yaukovych refused to join the European Union which as the first step toward joining NATO. The US did back his overthrow due to his close ties to Putin . What we got was a loose knit group of neo Nazi's. You don't send arms to a so called government that showed it's willingness to turn it's military on it's own people until a more centralized and government could be established .Trump on the other hand withheld arms donations that were backed with bipartisan congressional support in order to get political favors channeled through his personal attorney rather than through official state department channels. I wonder why?

It's all there in the transcript. A transcript that would not have been made public if Moscow Mitch not told the WH to do so.
Mitch McConnell can't tell the White House to do anything. And the Ukrainians rose up against Putin's puppet. And neo-Nazis? They were fighting a very hot war against Putin backed rebels. They needed our support. Instead they got Obama, who told Vladimir to be patient in 2012.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I hope they do manage to impeach the man.
Because Pence polls much better and if Trump is impeached and/or removed, whoever the Republican candidate is will be elected.
If Trump is impeached, the Turtle man will delay the trial until right before the 2020 election.
The impeachment trial will dominate the news all of 2020.

I hope Trump is impeached as well.
I'd rather have Trump than anyone on DemWit side except maybe Biden ... however, the DemWits have already sacrificed Biden with the Ukraine fiasco.