Should Donald Trump be impeached?

Should Donald Trump be impeached

  • Yes-left leaning

    Votes: 11 21.2%
  • No-left leaning

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • Yes-right leaning

    Votes: 5 9.6%
  • No-right leaning

    Votes: 26 50.0%

  • Total voters


nowhere special
He thinks it’s a chocolate milk mustache but in reality, it’s just slimy s:censored2:t.


I'm a star
No quid pro quo. The investigation was not reopened, the military aide was remitted. Then used by the Ukraine to buy weapons from American weapons manufacturers. Wonder why no one is making a big deal out of that aspect of it.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
He's pretty :censored2:ing desperate at this point. Practically begging to be impeached.
I agree he wants to be impeached but he did not see this particular charge coming.
Impeachment will almost assuredly get him re-elected.
And you have the tempestuous AOC and The Squat Squad are too friend:censored2:king dumb to understand that.


Well-Known Member
I agree he wants to be impeached but he did not see this particular charge coming.
Impeachment will almost assuredly get him re-elected.
And you have the tempestuous AOC and The Squat Squad are too friend:censored2:king dumb to understand that.

their level of ignorance is amazing.

El Correcto

god is dead
He definitely wants them to try. It will hurt them terribly. I think he is completely ready for this and democrats are going to be destroyed. I’m predicting a big beautiful red wave.


Well-Known Member
But this kind of dirty quid pro quo is the staple of politics and international relations. Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence official, was hired to dig up dirt on Trump and Russia by Fusion GPS, a research and intelligence firm under contract to investigate Trump by Perkins Coie, a law firm working for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Four decades ago, Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager, William Casey, asked the Iranians not to free the American hostages held in Tehran until after the November presidential election to hurt incumbent Jimmy Carter, according to Gary Sick, Carter’s chief aide on Iran. The American hostages were released the day Reagan was inaugurated, in January 1981.

Hillary Clinton, as far as we know, was never on the phone to Steele. Reagan, as far as we know, was never on the phone to the Iranian president. Trump’s fatal mistake was that he was overt in his request and he made it himself. This kind of underhanded pressure to damage political opponents requires skillful hints, secret meetings, carefully calibrated pressure and total deniability. Trump is too clueless to play the game. Because of this he looks set to join the exclusive club of presidents who were impeached—Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.

Trump, however, will not go quietly into this good night. He will attempt to bring the whole rotten edifice down with him. And he may succeed.

The Problem With Impeachment

trumps twitter acct is retarded. we live in scary times.


nowhere special
this reeks of a setup by Brennan cronies
normally every one in the government would know that the form was changed and the exact date it was changed

BREAKING: Intel Community Secretly Changed the Whistle-Blower Rules to Allow the Trump-Ukraine Complaint Just Days Before It Was Filed

Brennan just urged more people to make whistleblower complaints even if they have no direct knowledge or proof of what happened. So anyone can invent a story and is supposed to be taken seriously.