Should Donald Trump be impeached?

Should Donald Trump be impeached

  • Yes-left leaning

    Votes: 11 21.2%
  • No-left leaning

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • Yes-right leaning

    Votes: 5 9.6%
  • No-right leaning

    Votes: 26 50.0%

  • Total voters


nowhere special
Because Pence polls much better and if Trump is impeached and/or removed, whoever the Republican candidate is will be elected.
If Trump is impeached, the Turtle man will delay the trial until right before the 2020 election.
The impeachment trial will dominate the news all of 2020.

I hope Trump is impeached as well.
I'd rather have Trump than anyone on DemWit side except maybe Biden ... however, the DemWits have already sacrificed Biden with the Ukraine fiasco.

If Trump gets impeached the Dems would be forced to put their cards on the table and would end up hurting themselves far more than Trump.

Which is why it is always the threat of impeachment to keep the narrative going.


Well-Known Member
Mitch McConnell can't tell the White House to do anything. And the Ukrainians rose up against Putin's puppet. And neo-Nazis? They were fighting a very hot war against Putin backed rebels. They needed our support. Instead they got Obama, who told Vladimir to be patient in 2012.
The fact that Moscow Mitch told the WH to release the transcript was sending a political message that the eventual uncovering of the transcript would produce such a groundswell of demands for impeachment that the Senate may not be left with enough political cover to stave off impeachment.

First you have to have a publicly supported government capable and deserving of international recognition which did not immediately exist after the overthrow of Yaukovych . That group you so vehemently support was charged with killing at least a pair of protesters and a police officer. Who do you send arms to if you don't clearly know who to support in a nation teetering on civil war?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
The fact that Moscow Mitch told the WH to release the transcript was sending a political message that the eventual uncovering of the transcript would produce such a groundswell of demands for impeachment that the Senate may not be left with enough political cover to stave off impeachment.

First you have to have a publicly supported government capable and deserving of international recognition which did not immediately exist after the overthrow of Yaukovych . That group you so vehemently support was charged with killing at least a pair of protesters and a police officer. Who do you send arms to if you don't clearly know who to support in a nation teetering on civil war?


Well-Known Member
Yaukovych refused to join the European Union which as the first step toward joining NATO. The US did back his overthrow due to his close ties to Putin . What we got was a loose knit group of neo Nazi's. You don't send arms to a so called government that showed it's willingness to turn it's military on it's own people until a more centralized and government could be established .Trump on the other hand withheld arms donations that were backed with bipartisan congressional support in order to get political favors channeled through his personal attorney rather than through official state department channels. I wonder why?

It's all there in the transcript. A transcript that would not have been made public if Moscow Mitch not told the WH to do so.

The entire Ukrainian country was currupt at the time yet we only insisted on the ouster of one individual who just happened to be investigating a company who put an unqualified Biden on its board of directors.


Well-Known Member
The fact that Moscow Mitch told the WH to release the transcript was sending a political message that the eventual uncovering of the transcript would produce such a groundswell of demands for impeachment that the Senate may not be left with enough political cover to stave off impeachment.

First you have to have a publicly supported government capable and deserving of international recognition which did not immediately exist after the overthrow of Yaukovych . That group you so vehemently support was charged with killing at least a pair of protesters and a police officer. Who do you send arms to if you don't clearly know who to support in a nation teetering on civil war?
Obama was in power until January 2017. The fighting was happening for several years at that point. Where was the aid?


nowhere special
That's scary.


Well-Known Member
The entire Ukrainian country was currupt at the time yet we only insisted on the ouster of one individual who just happened to be investigating a company who put an unqualified Biden on its board of directors.
The official word from the government of the Ukraine was that the individual was NOT following orders to conduct the investigation.
Now here we have Ivanka Trump and he brothers securing copyrights and production contracts with governments and companies all over the world. So why are you not outraged in a similar manner? Why is this just fine with you?


Well-Known Member
The entire Ukrainian country was currupt at the time yet we only insisted on the ouster of one individual who just happened to be investigating a company who put an unqualified Biden on its board of directors.
'Unqualified" What is the basis of your claim that he's unqualified? You cluckers keep hollering. "he isn't qualified, he isn't qualified". The guy has a bachelor's degree in history and a juris degree both from Georgetown University along with substantial banking industry experience. I think it's safe to say that among the cluckers out there who are claiming that he wasn't qualified to serve of the company in question's board quite a bunch of them have nowhere near as much formal education as Hunter Biden and even fewer of them could find Ukraine on a map.