Anonymous Gearjammer
Double time, what are you working, 7 days a week?
rod said:I never could understand how come feeder drivers were paid more than package drivers. Sit on your butt and drive. Maybe 3 or 4 times a year you have bad road conditions but otherwise you listen to the radio, CB or just enjoy the idea of not having some A-hole riding with you stepping on your heals trying to get more "production" out of you. Oh I forgot the air-conditioning. What pkg driver wouldn't kill for that. I would bet that any feeder driver that disagrees with me didn't start out their full time career as a package driver and if you did you can't remember what real work is. If you have a chance to get into feeders go for it.
We do it all the time. Are you in feeder? I see at all the major Hubs in socal. Sometimes you just have to. Feeder is where you go to stop the wear and tear on the knees and back if you can stay in good shape in package stay put. Feeder is a totally different lifestyle one that may cause family problems and you may have to go on a sleeper team but if you can deal with that then learn to sleep when the sun rises and work while you get a moon tanParallel park in a feeder would involve a "blindside" back which we don't do.
Shame on you tieguy!
Does corporate have your current mailing address?