Tie , Amen to that shine on the road . Been there done that during 27 years in feeders out of the 31 I spent with UPS , we always laughed about you knew you were in trouble when you saw your rear trailer sideways in your mirror and could read the United Parcel Service on the side that it was time to grab your shorts .... done the pkg car bit too and they both have their good and bad ...thing I always told the guys wanting to come to feeders ( and this depends on your location ) but it kills your family life , not like pkg where if you have finished your day and come back to building and cant be sent back out , in our area soon as you came in off your run they sent you back out on pick-ups or to the rail yard , sometimes 2 or 3 times or more depending on what was going on , and and that was every day , only thing that saved you to finally not keep getting sent back out was to keep from running out of hours , didn't matter how much seniority you had , you happened to come in the gate and they needed you for extra work , back out you went so you never could make plans based on what time you thought you would get off ...missed more than one of my kids b-day parties and more one than one anniversary dinner that was already planned , wife loved those times . LOL No 8 hr request either , kind of hard to get one of those if you have a 9 or 10 hr run and always enjoyed getting ready to punch out thinking I was going home and being told that I was going have to stay and work more overtime because something went haywire with weather or someone calling in sick or train is running late with the TOFC's . The night driving is hard , seems like no matter how much sleep you get it is hard to stay awake and if you have small kids at home good luck on trying to get your sleep . And trying to pull a set of doubles on ice with the wind blowing is like getting beat with a 2 x 4 sometimes , make a old man out of you quick . And yes you do blindside trailers into parking spots , any feeder driver who has had to make pickups knows some places you have no choice but to blindside , I have had to do it many times , just part of the job . Like I said , pkg and feeders both have their good and bad so you have to decide what is best for you and your family , feeders is not for everyone just like pkg is not for everyone , saw several pkg car drivers over the years come to feeders and end up going back after a year just because of the nights or driving on bad roads wasnt for them . Good luck in whatever you decide to do .