Show up on time, Give it my all and what does UPS do???


I’m full of it
....."We don't need you today. Go Home!!!!"

Hired as a Permanent Part Time Employee!!!!!! Left my family early yesterday to arrive to work on time (3am) and that's what I am greeted with this morning. Got sent home and reprimanded by a supervisor like it was my fault for showing up. :censored2: you UPS!!!!!!! I hope you go out of business!!!!
I was on time today.....just saying


Thanks for so many helpful replies everyone. Glad to see that the consensus is that I just need to suck it up and stop complaining. Funny, how it seems that I should expect a little from my employer like common courtesy of telling me that I am not gonna be needed the day after the holidays and that I was lied to about my employment. You somehow think that we should tolerate this treatment. Go ahead you can tolerate it all you want.....I have standards and refuse to tolerate this treatment. Happy New Year everyone. Enjoy your slave life at UPS

If this "slave" life were to be offered to you on a permanent basis , you would accept it in a heartbeat.


Well-Known Member
Enjoy your slave life at UPS
You know my great great grandfather was a real slave here in Texas mate. Worked most of his life and never earned a dime.
I like to think UPS treats me a lil better than that. You should stick around this ain't really that bad of a company once you got a few years under your belt.