This has been posted a hundred times. A ticket doesn't affect your job and no one is asking you to disclose anything until they're asking. When they want to know what you've had you simply fill out the form they hand you and tell them what you've had for the previous year.
He hasn't started driving yet though, technically you're not suppose to have a moving violation for 1 year. I don't think they'll fire you If you don't disclose it, just don't piss off any management until after you fill out the yearly sheet because some CMs do hold grudges and will use anything against you! Good Luck!
Lulz, where I'm at we're hiring everyone and their cousin to drive - who knows how many will make it, but for now, we're all enjoying the nine-hour dispatches.
Give it a whirl, that's not the thing that's going to DQ you...
Have not read the sheet we sign forever but what ever it says DO NOT LIE on it. That would rank up there with one of the stupdist reasons to get fired out there for. It would be up there like a guy we have right now in our center who is out of work right now for "stealing" pizza from a pizza buffet on his route.
Don't lie, but until you plead guilty or are found guilty of a moving violation I don't think it can be on your DMV.
Request a copy of your driving record for yourself from the DMV, and talk to your Union steward. Innocent till proven guilty. I don't think the form asks for alledged violations!
At what point are you at in the bidding process? At what point are you at in the court process?
Have you signed a driving bid, or a feeder school bid?
Is the moving violation on your record already... IE Are you having a existing moving violation reduced or are you fighting an alleged violation?
If you have not yet plead (or have been found) guilty to a moving violation then I can't see how they could disqualify you for an alleged violation that you are fighting.
If you sign a bid after the violation is reduced there is technically no moving violation on your record.