socialism / capitalism


Well-Known Member
You don't seem to understand power or influence in our system. no single individual has the power to pass anything. you have to work it by building a coalition.
Obama did not enjoy that part of the job and avoided it and was therefore extremely ineffective overall. The things he did pass were passed when he had a democratic super majority

Bernie spent 30 years in congress and in the end was so extreme that he could never build a coalition to pass one bill in all that time. That is actually a good indication of what he will do as president.

while your Trump comment was probably meant to be a joke , the Donald has had to do similar things in private industry and considering the billions he has made doing so would seem to be an indication that he has been successful at it.
trump is a conservative / liberal. you should look up what he supported in new york lol.

guys i listen to are very critical of obama, so he could have done more for the people instead of the corporations.


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
"Oh Ricky, some day you'll be grown !"

this coming from a person taking government healthcare and social security. You contribute NOTHING to the government any longer, but you take.




Strength through joy
Earned benefits .
I'm too young to collect my earned benefits ( over 160 worked quarters ) , but when my time arrives I will without a second thought .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Earned benefits .
I'm too young to collect my earned benefits ( over 160 worked quarters ) , but when my time arrives I will without a second thought .

Ya, but you will TAKE more than you contributed, like moreluck who worked sometime in the 1940's.

SO, you will complain about taking government handouts, but you will gladly take MORE than you payed into the system.

Get your hypocrisy straight.

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Well-Known Member
Ya, but you will TAKE more than you contributed, like moreluck who worked sometime in the 1940's.

SO, you will complain about taking government handouts, but you will gladly take MORE than you payed into the system.

Get your hypocrisy straight.


If you only understood finances beyond the level of buying beer on your weekly paycheck. The social security check is nothing more then the interest of of what you paid into that plan all those years. As such it should be impossible for More to draw more then she paid but of course the government spent the principle many years ago.


Well-Known Member
the chicken photo resembles capitalist farm industry in america.

and of course being free means not being afraid of the economic solutions that will actually make you free, and admitting you got duped by capitalism

or being duped by socialism?


Active Member

Capitalism and socialism completely and utterly fail if leaning too far in either direction. Pure capitalism with no hint of socialism results in the wealthy elites destroying the middle class and down. Too much socialism results in the stifling of our economy and people getting angry about handouts.

It's a fine balance that neo-cons and neo-liberals pretend they are accomplishing by walking down the middle of the road. In reality, they are both the same party and make huge amounts of money in exchange for rewriting laws so the elitists can become even more powerful. They keep dividing our country on the basis of socialists vs capitalists when it is a gray issue.

When it comes down to it, it is the fault of the people. Most people don't vote. The people that do vote don't know anything about who they are voting for other than the party affiliation and biased news clips. The media, unfortunately, completely brainwashes people. I can't believe how people watching CNN or Fox think the pundits are preaching the political gospel.

Third party candidates are going to pick up a lot of steam after this election and is really the only way to fix our system. Voting for the same big families in politics has really ravaged our country.

Bernie sanders is okay in that he's trying to get big money out of politics; but, I don't agree with all his handouts. However, I think the 4 year trade-off is worthwhile. Ron Paul was our last real shot in a presidency that would have headed our country in the right direction. Too bad the media completely threw him under the bus...


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Bernie sanders is okay in that he's trying to get big money out of politics; but, I don't agree with all his handouts. However, I think the 4 year trade-off is worthwhile. Ron Paul was our last real shot in a presidency that would have headed our country in the right direction. Too bad the media completely threw him under the bus...

I am a fan of libertarians like Ron Paul. I love his idea's . but I would not make excuses for him. The media did not destroy his campaign he destroyed his campaign. You have to be much more then just an idea guy to get elected president. Voters are not only looking for ideas but leadership.


Active Member
The media clearly destroyed his campaign. If you think otherwise, you are ill-informed. I wasn't overly thrilled about Ron Paul. I don't agree with some of his conservative positions like pro-life. But, federal abortion policies aren't far up in my priority list. But, I was utterly disgusted at how he was treated by the GOP and the media. I think he was a better candidate than Romney or Obama.

Paul was a conservative for 40 years and libertarian for 10 years. Only two things I know of that makes him libertarian.

1) He isn't hawkish on foreign policy and interventionism like every single member of the GOP.

2) He had a health care plan other than "get sick and die".

I think he was a good leader. His major flaw was being too rigid and uncompromising. Too much opposition in congress and nothing would have gotten passed. Paul and Sanders worked together to audit the Fed. Sanders ended up getting a watered down version to pass while Paul would have gotten nothing through. If people finally wake up and start electing honorable congressmen and women we'd see more and better changes. Just remember, the revolution will not be televised.

Sorry about the long rants. I get so riled up about how friend'ed up our system is.


Well-Known Member
The media clearly destroyed his campaign. If you think otherwise, you are ill-informed. I wasn't overly thrilled about Ron Paul. I don't agree with some of his conservative positions like pro-life. But, federal abortion policies aren't far up in my priority list. But, I was utterly disgusted at how he was treated by the GOP and the media. I think he was a better candidate than Romney or Obama.

Paul was a conservative for 40 years and libertarian for 10 years. Only two things I know of that makes him libertarian.

1) He isn't hawkish on foreign policy and interventionism like every single member of the GOP.

2) He had a health care plan other than "get sick and die".

I think he was a good leader. His major flaw was being too rigid and uncompromising. Too much opposition in congress and nothing would have gotten passed. Paul and Sanders worked together to audit the Fed. Sanders ended up getting a watered down version to pass while Paul would have gotten nothing through. If people finally wake up and start electing honorable congressmen and women we'd see more and better changes. Just remember, the revolution will not be televised.

Sorry about the long rants. I get so riled up about how friend'ed up our system is.
you SHOULD be riled up. things are bad.


Well-Known Member
I am a fan of libertarians like Ron Paul. I love his idea's . but I would not make excuses for him. The media did not destroy his campaign he destroyed his campaign. You have to be much more then just an idea guy to get elected president. Voters are not only looking for ideas but leadership.
try FAIR who cover the media. pretty sure they calculate how many hours the heavily concentrated, uncompetitive corporate media gives to each candidate.

ron paul has a forgien policy which would make americans very safe, and military industrial complex very pissed off, which is basically no forgien entanglements.


Well-Known Member
try FAIR who cover the media. pretty sure they calculate how many hours the heavily concentrated, uncompetitive corporate media gives to each candidate.

ron paul has a forgien policy which would make americans very safe, and military industrial complex very :censored2: off, which is basically no forgien entanglements.

maybe you can get him to run for prime minister in your country.


Well-Known Member

Proponents of capitalism assure us we have only two choices: capitalism (big business) or socialism (big government). As we see the self-proclaimed capitalist regime’s incapacity to address growing economic desperation and accelerating social breakdown and environmental collapse, socialism, for all its own evident faults, becomes the only option....

Assuming that capitalism is about the economy and democracy is about governance, we fail to recognize an essential truth: There is no political democracy without economic democracy.

In any economic system, power resides with the owners of the means by which people make their living. The power of kings resided in their ownership of the lands and waters from which their subjects harvested their food and quenched their thirst. Under socialism, government owns these assets in the name, but not necessarily the interest, of the people.

"There is no political democracy without economic democracy."
Under contemporary capitalism, the rights and powers of ownership reside with global corporations that control jobs, resources, and markets. They own land, water, intellectual property, mining concessions, manufacturing, banks, schools, prisons, health care facilities, media—and politicians. They lavishly reward their board members and top executives for maximizing short-term profit without regard to social and environmental consequences—and replace them if they don’t.

...Democracy is a governance system in which power resides in the people. That power cannot be limited to voting for political representatives every few years. It must be rooted in economic structures that distribute power equitably and link it to the interests of communities of place. Such structures can come in many forms: Individual and family enterprises, community-owned enterprises, cooperatives–large and small—and even governmental and quasi-governmental bodies.