Do you really think that's true? It's a complete fabrication and distortion of the truth in an attempt to draw attention away from the manner in which he behaves on the board. Maybe he's the best supervisor in the world and just has a lousy online presence... but this is all we have to go by. He resorts to insults rather than discussion and you support that?
Why is it "20+ years of bitterness towards the company" when you're talking about hourly... yet with Tie you say "He's human, just like you." Is Tie getting cut slack just because ties stick together? And if you're cutting him slack, that alone means you see he's doing something wrong in the first place. Why would anyone with integrity do that? Stand up for what is right when that's the right thing to do. You seem mature enough that we can agree to disagree... we'll just have to disagree on this one. I'm not one to advocate trading integrity for popularity.
It's your choice, I don't care one way or the other the company you keep.
"Tell me what company you keep and I'll tell you what you are."
--Miguel de Cervantes

ounds table, standing and knocks chair over:::: Listen, bozo, how many

ing times and in how many different threads do I have to say it? I'm not a member of management but I DO agree with 90%+ of what Tie says. Look under one of these recent threads I've written in about p/t supervision. You'll see the story.
Insults? It seems to go both ways, pal. He may say something you don't like but you don't just drop it, you come back for MORE!! He calls some hourlies names, they gang up on him. Trying to tell me THAT'S fair??
20+ years of bitterness is just that. It manifests again and again in posts, both yours and CACH's. Maybe you have a reason for it, maybe not. Me...I'm a young guy. I won't spend more than 3 years with a company and that's on the high end. I see a company going south, I don't like the way I'm being treated, I find a better employment opportunity or education gives me a choice between my career and my education, ya know which one I'll pick? I'll pick the education every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Cutting him some slack says I know he's doing something wrong? If you want to see it that way. I see it as him being human. When you want ME to cut YOU some slack, try not being all the things Tie has said about you. Unfortunately, I agree with what he's SAID, just not his insults. There's a biiiiiiiig difference, ace. In fact, I'd go so far as to say some of the posters on this board are the poster children for the reason union workers are so hated. -Rocky