Starting 8/1 Ups will require face masks again?


Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
Lock everything down again I don’t give friend*. I still have a job..that’s the attitude this company has given me. Management gets bunch of free vacations because of hoax and drivers get crapped all over. friend* A MASK!


Retired 23 years
Lock everything down again I don’t give friend*. I still have a job..that’s the attitude this company has given me. Management gets bunch of free vacations because of hoax and drivers get crapped all over. friend* A MASK!
Tell us how you really feel---:-)


Inordinately Right
Choosing not to be vaccinated is choosing to put yourself at risk of injury or death as a result of your interactions while you're on the job. My opinion is that this medical privacy stuff is a load of BS and in my ideal world the anti-vaccine p*ssies putting each other's lives at risk every day would be given 3 options:

1. Get the vaccine
2. Get a doctor's note saying why you can't get the vaccine
3. Get a new job
You're a fascist.

Made brown

Well-Known Member
Social distance at restaurants then remove masks when you eat 3 feet from another person. Social distancing at airports and then sit almost on the person beside you.
Just wear a mask whenever management chooses masks as the flavor of the month

Cowboy Mac

Well-Known Member
"You created a dangerous environment for me by not requiring masks. I got covid and now I have permanent lung damage. It's your fault."

Pretty easy to see why they require masks. To accommodate idiots who could sue them if they get hurt.
I got news for you buddy- they could force vaccinations on every American, and they’re still gonna tell you to wear a mask.

It doesn’t go away just because we meet their goal. They just move the goalposts again and again. Until the next virus comes along and then we have to wear a mask for that.

How long are you going to believe the LIARS at the CDC?


The resident gearhead
You are so invested in the Covid narrative that you won't even look into what has happened in Sweden. I know you want to believe all these politicos are working in good faith to help you but they aren't they are the same :censored2: elitsts who run every corporation.
Uhhhh, I don’t give a sht about covid. Sweden did it right. This vaccine is a joke and so is the narrative around it.

That’s why I asked mr commie himself the driver.

you all misunderstood the point of my question.

Made brown

Well-Known Member
To me the most frightening thing about the COVID-19 vaccine to me was when there were reports of rare brain clots causing strokes in young women. I almost didn't want my 2nd dose because it freaked me out but I talked to my doctor and he recommended I get the second dose. Im not a female but I just didn't want to rock a boat.
Getting the vaccine should definitely be something you discuss with your doctor who knows your health, not some generic commercial Or billboard.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I got news for you buddy- they could force vaccinations on every American, and they’re still gonna tell you to wear a mask.

It doesn’t go away just because we meet their goal. They just move the goalposts again and again. Until the next virus comes along and then we have to wear a mask for that.

How long are you going to believe the LIARS at the CDC?
Two weeks to flatten the curve though.