You should use that UPS tuition assistance to go to school, that way you can feel smart, instead of tough thinking you can rip a driver's trout out.That's true, here in Canada I hear that Fedex pays about 13.50 a hour to do exactly the same thing. Here at ups I'm still being paid 9.50 a hour. The reason I stay is because this job keeps me in good shape, I'm healthier than before, and I never felt so good in my life.
I feel tough, I feel that if I grip a driver in the troat I can rip his troat out. After lifting so many 100 pounds+ inrreg, especially those small boxes that weight 130 pounds, those boxes made my arms into guns. You know what I'm saying?
Also at the hub I work at, a lot of my package handler friends actually works 8 hours a day. I will work 8 hours too when I get a raise. I just got back from work today, and I feel like super man.
Why don't I try to apply for Fedex or another job? the answer is simple, I'm not a greedy man. I don't need that much money.
PS lol trout