I suppose you also called yourself "patriots" when you and the rest of your lame party was viciously attacking The Clinton Admin.
Diesel's comments above have now forced me to take a more official action as an American and one who loves this country and it's people but doesn't always see eye to eye with gov't policy. I've heard charge after charge of being unpatriotic for having come to a certain understanding of governance and foreign policy implementation that causes me to oppose our gov't policy concerning Iraq. It has been suggested that because I oppose current policy that I oppose the military and question my love of country. The overwhelming vast majority of these attacks do come from a certain political faction associated with a specific self interest in control of the means of governance as it relates specifically to foreign policy and the use and roll of the military in advancing that policy.
In the last decade we had an almost identical situation in regards to another President who sent out troops into a foreign land (the Balkans) to also affect a change in gov't and to enforce and make way for a new gov't adapted on western ideas of the democratic process. During those times I find it odd that the very factions so vocal today against those who would question Presidential policy were the very ones at that time leading the opposition and the questioning of Presidential policy in regards to use of the American military. In fact in the Oct. 3rd, 2000' Presidential debate, then candidate Bush felt so strongly to question this policy and it's belief that Gore would continue the trend that Candidate Bush spoke out against the policy of Nationbuilding and declared his adminstration would undertake no such actions. In other words, candidate Bush was publically questioning the Presidential authority and policy of using the military in what then President Clinton felt was an important and needed function of policy at the time.
In a Feb. 2003 article in the Washington Post, it was reported that this public questioning by then candidate Bush continued onward up till the day before the elections in Nov. 2000' and numerous quotes and their circumstances are given at this link as just one small example.
Using much of the standard set here, for any of us to publically question or even be in anyway critical of the President and US foreign policy, this would automatically mean we are unpatriotic and for some I guess downright treasonous. I guess also in that same debate Candidate Bush also criticized medical policy of the Clinton as it related to certain aspects of healthcare but I heard no crys of foul towards him by the current party of flag wavers and in fact they applauded with approval and conviction for Bush's comments. For any of us to even question or even be so bold to compare our national healthcare with other nations, whether it's justified or not and even when it's stupid, this commands the brand of traitor, unpatriotic or a just plain America hater to the one who dare challenges!
Why did Mr. Bush get a pass from such brands and labels when others who make similar suggestion become branded with the "Scarlet Letter"? The only conclusion I can come to is George Bush was candidate for President and he also ran as a republican. With that said I choose today to announce my candidacy for the Republican nomination of President of the United States under the process known as "write-in candidate."
I fit both the only 2 Constituional requirements to hold such office as I'm over 35 years old and was born in the United States proper. My reasoning for running for office is just so I can exercise freedom of speech and especially the freedom to challenge gov't policy in the realm of thoughts and ideas as expressed through the process of speech. The founding fathers highly valued this "inalienable right" and they viewed free speech as probably the most important checks and balance to gov't abuse and then followed very closely by the other most important checks and balance and that is the "inalienable right" to self defense and self preservation through the use of firearms. However, it was hoped that free speech would make the firearm option an almost obsolete and never used exercise. It would appear to this candidate that the free speech option is quickly being closed and that certain powerful political factions rooted strongly in emotionalism rather than logical thought have only allowed free speech to those who run for the highest office in the land.
In order to avail myslef the continued use of this most prized checks and balance (freedom of speech) I have therefore decided to seek the highest of office just in the hopes I can put off the other distasteful option that it would appear some are forcing into play albeit that most famous of "unintended consequences" by their continuos efforts to qwell free speech no matter how distasteful it is. I use the republican Candidate Bush model of his challenge to Presidential policy as my basis for my actions and proofs of theorectical thinking.
I've always felt that good governance policy, if explained to the voting public using full disclosure and even when things don't go just perfect will stand the test of an oratory challenge and in fact using said challenge as a microscope of examination will make the larger scope of society have more conviction to see the thing through. It's when these challenges are surpressed not with facts and figures but with name calling to those who express them, that the thoughts of ulterior motives began to sink in among the masses and the body politic become fractionized and divided making it nearly impossible for even good societial policy to go forward.
I'm sure any challenge to the liberal media of burying this story will be unfounded as I truly believe that all media will bury (totally ignore) this announcement and any related news to it.
As we move forward in this election cycle, as a candidate for President of the United States, I hope you will afford me the freedom to question and challenge as did candidate Bush in the 2000' election cycle.
Thank You, Good Night and God Bless America!