I’m a full time 22.3 along with 3 other full time 22.3’s in my building & all of our bids say “PL/Air Delivery”.
There are also 4 PT bid air drivers (not exception drivers) that work mornings.
Everyday there are usually 4 Air runs they put on road, used to be 8. The company puts the 4 PT bid air drivers out on road everyday & those drivers work past their 3 1/2 guarantee. Us FT 22.3’s work preload & then do housekeeping such as rack mail bags & sweep or wash trucks if we have any other trucks (car wash not in any of our bids btw)
My argument is that those 4 air runs should be given or at the very least offered to us Ft 22.3’s bc that’s on our bids & it’s our higher earnings. The whole purpose of the 22.3’s was to increase full time jobs.
I’ve addressed this with the stewards in my building & my BA. They are siding with the way the company is currently doing this.
I’ve contacted a steward in another building in my state in my local bc I’ve worked out of other centers so I can compare buildings & the steward told me things are being run the opposite in his building. In fact their pt bid air drivers are laid off most days & working preload instead. The full time 22.3 they have goes out everyday with an air run after preload. The pt air drivers still go to the airport but do no deliveries. I’ve told my stewards this & they relayed that to the BA & the BA gave some stupid answer.
Any thoughts?
Btw I work in the most anti union building in my state, contract is almost non existent & only parts of it get enforced.