Retired 23 years
i hope woman get to register for the draft
I hope they get to fight the next few wars by themselves. Then they might know what real equality is about.
i hope woman get to register for the draft
I think you can be called up in the draft up to age 34 if you are registered.
Don't like it move to North Korea. These kids are from one of the most conservative states in the country and and then they choose to speak up for what they believe in. It's just too damn bad you don't like what they say.haha that's rich . you have the schools pushing them out the doors, politicians transporting them and CNN giving them the opportunity to provide rehearsed commentary. nope its all free will here.
Don't like it move to North Korea. These kids are from one of the most conservative states in the country and and then they choose to speak up for what they believe in. It's just too damn bad you don't like what they say.
Well, they really aren't. And most aren't doing it anyway. That's why our birth rate is in theter.
Nose rubbed in life? I think experiencing a mass shooting where 17 of their peers lost their life qualifies as having their nose rubbed in life. Geezus, where do you cuckservatives come up with this crap?'re right. They are kids who haven't had their nose rubbed in "life" and had to deal with and endure life's experiences. Maybe they need some kids from Australia to tell them why they shouldn't give up their guns.
These kids believe in whatever their friends, homies, besties and buddies tell them to believe in. Monkey see, monkey do.
Don't like it move to North Korea. These kids are from one of the most conservative states in the country and and then they choose to speak up for what they believe in. It's just too damn bad you don't like what they say.
You're Canadian, no one cares about your fake patriotism.typical liberal response. you will badmouth your country and the fine military we have just to take a cheap shot against trump
#typicalcukservativeresponsethat was a silly response. I corrected your point that it was free will. it is anything but. your response is to apparently send anyone who disagrees with you to north korea. #typicalsnowflakeresponse.
Kind of funny reading this post after a discussion about the draft and how previous generations had a desire to serve. Hmmmm....These kids believe in whatever their friends, homies, besties and buddies tell them to believe in. Monkey see, monkey do.
Lots of hostility here, I guess my question is why do any of you care what these HS’rs do?
(No, they’re not CNN operatives, that’s absurd for so many reasons).
Damn it! How dare CNN let these kids know their rights! You are a
Damn it! How dare CNN let these kids know their rights! You are aing joke!
I find it hard to believe anyone watched them or that we are talking about them.
I don't know what they said nor do I care.
First Amendment. Look it up.cnn is supposed to engage in journalism not coach civil disobedience. but you're a lib so you wouldn't understand.
First Amendment. Look it up.![]()
Why don't they really do something to stop violence? Maybe quit picking on kids and maybe this problem wouldn't happen so much.