Sups working during peak season?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
$31.75 an hour to do rewraps in the sort aisle? Threaten the company to get hurt and go on Workman's Comp if they have to do something like real work? Yeah, dead weight and squeaky wheels.


Well-Known Member
$31.75 an hour to do rewraps in the sort aisle? Threaten the company to get hurt and go on Workman's Comp if they have to do something like real work? Yeah, dead weight and squeaky wheels.
It sounds like your bitter they make that much money and poor management if what you say is true and they don't make someone do what they are getting paid to do


All Trash No Trailer
2 drivers in our center filed today over supervisors running routes all week. I thought the center manager's head was going to explode


Active Member
At my hub in Portland, supervisors work because i guess they went through the double shift list and were still understaffed. I don't know what to think about it.


Well-Known Member
At my hub in Portland, supervisors work because i guess they went through the double shift list and were still understaffed. I don't know what to think about it.

The work still needs to get done and if not enough people sign up to double shift they will use supervisors and there would be no basis for a grievance.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Why didn't you bid that job?
Did not want to be a Hub Maggot. 19 year old sup telling me at 58 I'm not working hard enough. Not telling me anything I haven't been told for years. Center controls the car wash so I help out with AM and PM air route vacation coverage. I want to turn it into my retirement job eventually.


Well-Known Member
The work still needs to get done and if not enough people sign up to double shift they will use supervisors and there would be no basis for a grievance.

Trick used Every Year by UPS. UNDER STAFF so they have to work.
This year and the Following Years, can not all be blamed on UPS. The Teamsters did NOT Negotiate a Starting Wage that will keep people working, the hard work at UPS.

We have So MANY new people on our Pre-Load, that we can not even file grievances on Supervisors working as, the new people are in progression. (what I was told by a steward)

Couple of days ago, I seen a tour of people come in. The look in their eyes while standing in the cold watching us sort a box every couple seconds... For the small starting wage, NOPE I doubt any of them come back. Go down the street to Academy Sports hiring at $9 an hour.

Don't give me the BENEFITS thing, Most young people don't give a crap about those, or OBAMA Care would be working... LOL