Sups working during peak season?


The Nim
The primary benefit is the savings on benefits not being paid on the hourlies not working.

Does UPS have to pay for benefits of a seasonal hire aside from mandated things like unemployment and workers comp?

For non seasonals I can see your point, but if UPS isn't having to pay the extra benefit cost that a seniority employee may incur I can't see the reasoning aside from some report looks better and that means some management person doesn't get yelled at as much.


Well-Known Member
For the past week and a half we've had mgt driving PC's all day long. Apparently they have NOBODY else to drive? All centers far and near are completely out. I've had the pleasure of helping one sup and that was interesting to say the least!


Well-Known Member
[quote"UpstateNYUPSer, post: 1237689, member: 12570"]The work still needs to get done and if not enough people sign up to double shift they will use supervisors and there would be no basis for a grievance.[/quote]
Their Is always basis for a grievance. You just have to be man enough to file them.


Well-Known Member
I love to hear people that are forced to be in the union. Seems to me no one is forced to benefit from the union wage and benefits they receive.


Well-Known Member
[quitte="UpstateNYUPSer, post: 1240834, member: 12570"]I sure as hell didn't apply to work here just so that I could satisfy my life-long desire to be a Teamster.[/quote]
No It was your life long desire to make the money and accept the benefits that were negotiated for you so you could live your lifestyle. If it weren't for the teamster negotiated contract where in the hell would you work and make the wage you make and enjoy the benefit package you receive? I find it hard to bad mouth an organization that ensures I get paid for the work that is demanded of me. That makes sure I have insurance for myself and family. That will go to bat for me when the crap hits the fan. I dont agree with everything the teamsters do but for me the pros outweigh the cons.


Well-Known Member
[quitte="UpstateNYUPSer, post: 1240834, member: 12570"]I sure as hell didn't apply to work here just so that I could satisfy my life-long desire to be a Teamster.
No It was your life long desire to make the money and accept the benefits that were negotiated for you so you could live your lifestyle. If it weren't for the teamster negotiated contract where in the hell would you work and make the wage you make and enjoy the benefit package you receive? I find it hard to bad mouth an organization that ensures I get paid for the work that is demanded of me. That makes sure I have insurance for myself and family. That will go to bat for me when the crap hits the fan. I dont agree with everything the teamsters do but for me the pros outweigh the cons.[/quote]
You tell him


Well-Known Member
I sure as hell didn't apply to work here just so that I could satisfy my life-long desire to be a Teamster.
I sure as hell didn't apply to work here just so that I could satisfy my life-long desire to be a Teamster.

You can go somewhere else we would all be happier. Even you would you wouldn't have to accept all the benefits that were negotiated on your behalf. It isn't a prison you can walk out and not come back. Please do.

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
A supervisor working is literally taking food out of your mouth.

Anytime a supervisor does union work a grievance needs to be filed.

Ask to be paid for that supervisor working.
Grow some and enforce the contract.


Well-Known Member
A supervisor working is literally taking food out of your mouth.

Anytime a supervisor does union work a grievance needs to be filed.

Ask to be paid for that supervisor working.
Grow some and enforce the contract.
A supervisor working also makes the center manager's numbers look good and prevents the need to promote a part timer to a full time position.

RolloTony Brown Town

Well-Known Member
As a supervisor who was told by his boss to do union work for countless hours this peak season I must say the only people losing are those management folks. Union employees can file a grievance at 1.5 and aren't forced to extend into another shift where we can get grieved some more. The company gets the packages moved which is the only thing they care about is the network staying on time and to get their committed volume done to cover their own asses. Just a hub guy venting...


Well-Known Member
As a supervisor who was told by his boss to do union work for countless hours this peak season I must say the only people losing are those management folks. Union employees can file a grievance at 1.5 and aren't forced to extend into another shift where we can get grieved some more. The company gets the packages moved which is the only thing they care about is the network staying on time and to get their committed volume done to cover their own asses. Just a hub guy venting...
Keep working we love extra money


Well-Known Member
[quitte="UpstateNYUPSer, post: 1240834, member: 12570"]I sure as hell didn't apply to work here just so that I could satisfy my life-long desire to be a Teamster.
No It was your life long desire to make the money and accept the benefits that were negotiated for you so you could live your lifestyle. If it weren't for the teamster negotiated contract where in the hell would you work and make the wage you make and enjoy the benefit package you receive? I find it hard to bad mouth an organization that ensures I get paid for the work that is demanded of me. That makes sure I have insurance for myself and family. That will go to bat for me when the crap hits the fan. I dont agree with everything the teamsters do but for me the pros outweigh the cons.[/quote]


I feel sorry for people that cannot see the trees while standing in the forest.

I never needed the "teamsters" when I was an hourly--showed up and did my job--no crap to hit the fan !!

I did not make "exceptional" money until I went into Management and let my hard work and initiative get paid its worth ---rather than being in the Union ---where for the most part --non bonus ---the slugs get paid the SAME as the professionals.

There are always many ways to look at the SAME situations. I understand Upstate when he says his career ambition was not to be a Union Member ---but a good employee in a Company able to provide a steady good paycheck and benefits --as well as the opportunities to advance if you so desire.


Well-Known Member
Okay so you found happiness without the union. I just dont get why people that in a union shop and bad mouth the language in the contract. Their are always the ones that feel they do not need the union until something happens and they depend on the union to get them their job back. People that say it wasnt their lifelong dream to be apart of the teamsters but benefit from the negotiated pay and benefit package. Why dont those that are so unhappy with the teamsters turn their letter in to become management? One of the main reasons they don't is they feel they have the safety net in case something did happen. They like the safety net but dont like being a teamster. People that act like management to get the heat off them and watch other hourlies suffer because if they think they are friends with management they can get away with anything. If the crap hits the fan who will have your back? I truly hope you dont think your manager or division manager will stick up for you. They are worried about their job as much as you. I personally have had a great center manager and a great on car sup. They didnt last long. center manager quit on car sup quit. That should tell you something. 2 of the most honest people I had ever met. They are no longer with the company. Seems to me ups cant keep the good ones cause they want yall to be yes men. Anyone that ive known to express their opinion didnt last long in supervision.