Sups working during peak season?


Got the T-Shirt
I never needed the "teamsters" when I was an hourly--showed up and did my job--no crap to hit the fan !!

And.. years ago.. when "some" of us started.... :wink2:

That was normal.

I did not make "exceptional" money until I went into Management and let my hard work and initiative get paid its worth ---rather than being in the Union.

And, it was a good time.... to go in to management.

I understand Upstate when he says his career ambition was not to be a Union Member ---but a good employee in a Company able to provide a steady good paycheck and benefits --as well as the opportunities to advance if you so desire.

Those "opportunities" are no longer available.

Now.... it is a blip.... on a resume. It used to mean something.



Well-Known Member
And.. years ago.. when "some" of us started.... :wink2:

That was normal.

And, it was a good time.... to go in to management.

Those "opportunities" are no longer available.

Now.... it is a blip.... on a resume. It used to mean something.



I respect your opinion--we all have them.

Back then : People always advised against going into mgmt. There was never a "good time" to make the commitment.

There will always be people that throw their own crap into a fan --then and now.

Now ---there are still huge numbers of hourlies that do their jobs and have no need of representation.

Opportunity: Surely you do not believe that the thousands of Management positions ---some we never had before --logistics--Freight==expanding and growing International ---that the people that have them now --will never retire ???
Someone --an hourly today ----May very well be the CEO in twenty five years or so . No Opportunity ???


New Member
In our center, our center manager ran a route every day during peak. His name did not appear on the operation report every morning. Where did this time go? He would also go out and take stops off drivers and help with pickups. Full timers got no credit for this. Drivers will not file because they are afraid of repercussions. Shop steward just watches this happen everyday.