Nine Lives
If you can't attack the facts, go ahead and attack the person.....
You'll have to explain that to him Prez.
A little to subtle for him.
If you can't attack the facts, go ahead and attack the person.....
Y'all go ahead and thrash around with gnashing teeth while I smirk at you.
In a way, I wish UPS would eliminate Surepost so y'all could reap the fruits of your labor.
Unfortunately, your Union leadership can think and would never do something that stupid that would result in the loss of Union jobs.
They want your dues, you know.
I was going to say something like, "I didn't know you ever slinked out of Current Events or the Union forum." and then I noticed this is in the Union Forum.
Jokes on me I guess! LOL ... but in a smug way.
Isn't there a point that you are NOT taking into account???
Customers are asking for this service? These are NOT ground packages that UPS is diverting to the USPS. These are a different class of service for customers who are asking for a lower cost, no frills service.
What would you say to them? Would you say sorry, we have ground and that's it. UPS delivery or no delivery?
Like it or not (I don't) customers want this. UPS is responding.
Customers are asking for free shipping when they shop online; unfortunately, most are unaware of how SurePost or SmartPost works--they assume they will get the same service as if they paid standard rates.
The shipping isn't "free", the costs are paid by the shipper and they recoup those costs within their business model somehow. We just got an LL Bean order that came in 3 pkgs with "free" shipping, and they all were delivered by the UPS man. UPS surely makes a profit on SurePost, it would be interesting to know the margin on a SurePost vs a basic or standard UPS residential delivery.
The joke has always been on you, youre just coming around to accepting it.
SurePost is not going anywhere and the sooner the naysayers realize this the better off they will be.
All 3 came basic and I wonder who would have delivered them if LL Bean didn't have the SurePost option. Didn't LL Bean used to be a FedEx customer? I think that once the numbers are presented to the union that they will also agree that SurePost is staying. Reality is that if you want to make $32/hr you will have a jam packed truck with 10-11 or more hours of work. Despite how others would run the company, this is the business plan that UPS believes will make the most money.
The shipping isn't "free", the costs are paid by the shipper and they recoup those costs within their business model somehow. We just got an LL Bean order that came in 3 pkgs with "free" shipping, and they all were delivered by the UPS man. UPS surely makes a profit on SurePost, it would be interesting to know the margin on a SurePost vs a basic or standard UPS residential delivery.
You have to understand, Tom, Dick and Harry working on the dock that you talk to on a daily basis are not usually the decision makers at a company. (I'm not talking about the 1-10 person companies). The CEO\CFO\CPO are the ones who work on reducing their costs and Surepost is a way to reduce costs. Do customers come out and say all the time "I want Surepost".. No.. But do customers say "I want lower rates" Absolutely.. all the time. Surepost is our answer to offer lower rates to a customer, while still making a little bit of profit on these accounts.Customers are NOT asking for this service, its OUR REPS who are pushing this service by transforming existing customers into surepost customers....
I know, A few of my LARGE SHIPPERS were changed to surepost without even opening their mouth.
You have to make up your mind, you and others have laughed at how mgmt pays hundreds of dollars per month in our own benefits and have had a year of no pay raises and new mgmt has no defined benefit pension. Yet you also say we are bloated. Not sure how long you have been around but we have far less mgmt people then we did 20 years ago. Take for example the Finance Dept. We used to have over a dozen supervisors in finance in the district, along with 3 managers and a div mgr. We have 1/3 the districts now then we did before and finance has now 1 div mgr, 2 mgrs and 6 supvs to cover a district that used to be 3 districts. That's a huge drop in mgmt. In my old district, there used to be 9 pkg div mgrs, now the same geographic area has 3.5 div mgrs (the .5 is because that div mgr covers what was a div mgr job in the old district plus another area that was a division in the district we merged with). We went from 60 plus district mgrs to 20 districts in the US.If UPS wants to offer cheaper services, I am all for it. Start by eliminating all the overweighted managers and useless operations managers and cut the rates.
We'd be the cheapest service in the business.
How many of you shop at LL Bean or Lands End PERSONALLY? Not your wife shopping for you, but you-yourself shopping? I do. I don't call up Lands End demanding free shipping. I wouldn't go shopping at Walmart for a canvas bag because Lands End didn't offer free shipping. I'd shop there no matter if they ship for free or for $8.95. It like someone who owns a Subaru. Unless they get a fantastical deal on a Volvobigsmile2: like me), they are most likely going to buy another Subaru. You shop there because you love their product.
I shop via internet quite a bit (almost no brick & mortar) and I always do shop comparison based on price including shipping.
I almost always choose the one that is the least cost for shipping as a consequence.
I am an Amazon Prime member and my wife and I probably have over a hundred shipments per year.
I am a marketeer's nightmare as I am a very value-based buyer.
To me, it's crazy to pay more for shipping than I have to.
I abandon purchases all the time because of shipping costs.
I shop at three different grocery stores to get the best buys each week and I belong to Sams and Costco.
wait a minute here... You're telling me that its actually an option to shop for my own clothes. Hmmmm, my wife's never given me that option before!Not your wife shopping for you, but you-yourself shopping?
Smart woman.wait a minute here... You're telling me that its actually an option to shop for my own clothes. Hmmmm, my wife's never given me that option before!
I am the queen of Sams. But, you do realize you are not the norm, right?I shop via internet quite a bit (almost no brick & mortar) and I always do shop comparison based on price including shipping.
I almost always choose the one that is the least cost for shipping as a consequence.
I am an Amazon Prime member and my wife and I probably have over a hundred shipments per year.
I am a marketeer's nightmare as I am a very value-based buyer.
To me, it's crazy to pay more for shipping than I have to.
I abandon purchases all the time because of shipping costs.
I shop at three different grocery stores to get the best buys each week and I belong to Sams and Costco.