Sweet!!! I wanna be a shifter for $4 less an hr


Staff member
"Hondo....the Master Contract states if your part time wage is higher then the starting full time. Your red circled at your current higher part time rate till the full time position passes you."

VTBrown is correct as I see it.

"I was making about $20 an hour part time. Then went ft driving at $12.67."

I suspect you should have greived this. UPS is going to save money however they can (ethically or not).


Well-Known Member
The point is ,why does someone working for the company for 5 years have to take a cut in pay to get a raise. If that makes sense.

And another 2 years before he gets it.

Did you go through the 2 year progression already?? Nobody should have to go through progression twice, you should jump to the top rate in the new job right away. That is how it is where I work.


Well-Known Member
Hazmatman......as I said earlier. It doesn't seem that he understands the situation all that well. From either the Company posting OR the current labor contract. Perhaps I'm wrong but he was just shooting from the hip.

People have jumped on me for being testy. Though come on and read through a lot of these posts and see the sour grapes.

While I may not agree with everything UPS does I do understand I am not forced to work here and can leave.

With no formal college education, finding $28.12hr in Rural VT that has excellent benefits may be a bit hard to do.
So in actuality I'm grateful for my job as a driver and the financial support I can give my family.


Browncafe Steward
Here in chicago, you do not take a pay cut going from ptime to ftime, if your rate is higher you will have your pay frozen until the progression catches up to your current pay rate.

If you go from ftime 22.3 to driver and have gone through progression already you go to that driver pay rate! I started at $12 and some change myself when i went drivibg if im correct, but there has been some improvements in the last two contracts on these issues.

Just Lurking

Well-Known Member
The national contract spells out that 22.3 employees that have completed progression will go full scale when leaving 22.3 classification for FT work after 6 months.


Come work at my center and I'll show you the situation. Mean while don't ever tell me what I do or don't understand.

my my someone who demands help with an attitude rather then asking graciously.

I strongly suspect your starting wage rate stays at the higher of the two rates. But I appreciate your willingness to accept the lower rate and save me a few dollars. :thumbup1:
