My personal experience. The heat doesn’t effect me until it reaches heat advisory stage. I endure and make it through but I have learned over the last eight summers what it takes to do my job in those conditions and make it home to my family. I have learned a lot from UPS, on heat related information, but a lot of this information is out there on the internet with a little research. In my area, this summer has been the third hottest on record and once you include for the normal high dew points this time of year in the South, you have to take this stuff serious.
The younger guys that do go down I sympathize with because they don’t really understand what there getting into and don’t take it serious. My guess is that we have had more heat advisory’s this year than past summers, which could explain why we are having more issues, but I would have to see the data. If the data says yes than that would make sense but if it is normal to past summers than other data would be needed to explain things.
Maybe the Union could create a national database that members can report heat related sickness etc.. along with weather related data to make more accurate conclusions. It’s just really hard to interpret data correctly when you don’t have it. If you do the Union can use it in future negotiations. I know I’m reaching here but just my thoughts. Oh, and I would still rather deliver in heat advisory weather than snow and ice!