Teamsters for a Democratic Union


Space Cadet
I didnt think the shares were available to Rons dad to purchase that long ago as a non management employee. I did hear that story but never knew any real facts, just some doctored up ones.
'Brown Shares' were available for purchase in the very early days (like the 1930's) These were REAL shares, not the fakey shares that were available until we went public. The company made a real effort to buy the brown shares from the folks who had them (ordinary people, like drivers even) and trade them for the fakey shares. Ron's dad put the non-brown shares in his lockbox and the family found out when he passed. Ron's political enemies in the union made a big deal about this when it leaked out, claiming that Ron favored the company because of his share ownership. A huge laugh, to be sure. Ron sold the shares quickly. True facts.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't the change in union presidents because that one went to jail? He was a TDU guy, too, if I recall. RC took the union out on strike because he had two generations of grievance with UPS and wanted payback. Another funny thing about him; turned out he owned a couple million in UPS stock, which he had inherited from his father, who had actually bought 'brown shares' as a young driver, then had them converted to the regular kind, and put them in his strongbox and the family never knew until he passed. RC had to sell quickly when that word got out.
Ron Carey was acquited of all charges.


Well-Known Member
WOW Maybe you should not post on a topic if you have no fricking clue what you are speaking about! That post could be considered slanderous with all the lies in it, and you could be held liable for it.

Ron Carey was found not guilty and did NO jail time, nice little spin you put on it. He took us out on strike because you had part timers working 40 or more hours at part time pay rates. He won us full time jobs, jobs that we could support our families off of. Everyone knew Ron had UPS stock, it was not found out after he died.

You forget to add that Ron sold all of his bridges he owned because he feared a tsunumi was coming.

Ron was endorsed by the TDU, to the best of my knowledge he was not a card member.
Thanks for cleaning up all that false dirt Red.


I apologize for the error. It should have been phrased, "when the Feds indicted him" and left it at that.
The Feds didn't indict Ron Carey for "the crime," because they had no real evidence against him. Instead, they asked him if he knew about "the crime" when it was being committed. When he said "NO" they indicted him for lying. In other words, he was charged with the crime of denying knowledge of a crime that the Feds never charged him with committing.

TechGrrl, if you didn't rob the First National Bank, and you say so under oath, how would you like it if you were then charged with lying? What's wrong with that picture? Isn't that unconstitutional, illogical, and un-American?

The jury found Ron Carey "not guilty" but they probably would have found him "innocent" if that was an option. The Fed's case fell apart under cross-examination. That's what the Feds get for listening to Hoffa's Ron Carey haters.


Browncafe Steward
I apologize for the error. It should have been phrased, "when the Feds indicted him" and left it at that.

How about just tell the truth and if you do not know what that is (the truth) do not comment. Because when you comment on something that you know nothing about and are called out on it and come back with this post which is also obviously not the truth your credibility goes right out the window.