I apologize for the error. It should have been phrased, "when the Feds indicted him" and left it at that.
The Feds didn't indict Ron Carey for "the crime," because they had no real evidence against him. Instead, they asked him if he
knew about "the crime" when it was being committed. When he said "NO" they indicted him for lying. In other words, he was charged with the crime of denying knowledge of a crime that the Feds never charged him with committing.
TechGrrl, if you didn't rob the First National Bank, and you say so under oath, how would you like it if you were then charged with lying? What's wrong with that picture? Isn't that unconstitutional, illogical, and un-American?
The jury found Ron Carey "not guilty" but they probably would have found him "innocent" if that was an option. The Fed's case fell apart under cross-examination. That's what the Feds get for listening to Hoffa's Ron Carey haters.