NEVER, perfect example the current condition of local 804. KR aka AGITATOR is on the board of TDU and was elected BA. He handed out tdu bs for years and was crying like a baby when the old e-board raised co-pays 5 bucks. Where is tdu now when the new LOCAL 804 TDU board just raised copays 10 bucks AND more than doubled retiree health care cost from 225.00 to 550.00 per month with a 10% raise every year. WHAT HAPPENED TO TAKING ON UPS and making them pay.
At the last meeting a member got up and said "the local is giving education classes, Im wondering if BA KR aka the AGITATOR IS ATTENDING. KR aka AGITATOR allowed the company to walk a member out of the building (discharged) The AGITATOR had no clue what innocent till proven guilty meant. Thank god the shop steward knew what he was doing. At local 804 absenteeism is not a cardinal sin. This is only the tip of the iceburg.
At the last meeting a member got up and said "the local is giving education classes, Im wondering if BA KR aka the AGITATOR IS ATTENDING. KR aka AGITATOR allowed the company to walk a member out of the building (discharged) The AGITATOR had no clue what innocent till proven guilty meant. Thank god the shop steward knew what he was doing. At local 804 absenteeism is not a cardinal sin. This is only the tip of the iceburg.