I make a comment and instead of answering logically you try to belittle me and go off on tangents. Well, let's have a go at your statement. I have never made a claim to "know it all". Maybe you think that but I don't and, unless you are a universal genius you don't "know it all" either. Next, "how many drivers worked more overtime?" I don't know do you? "How many drivers got injured because of excessive overtime? I don't know, do you? . If you read my comment instead of going off on a rant I said most of the profits last year were a result of cost cutting and not growing the business domestically. U.S. daily domestic volume increased less than 1% in the 1st qtr this year over last year, the first year over year growth in more tha two years. I'm not going off on a tangent...this info is in the story "no surprises" located on the front page of the brown cafe'
I dont mean you any disrespect and I thank you for your service to this company and as a union member for many years. I can tell you that there is at least 6 drivers out on injury in my center right now. All of them resulted last year, late in the year. Each one of us have been dragged through the mud by UPS and Liberty Mutual one way or another. Many of us filed 9.5s to get the work taken off, yet we were all working 10, 11 and 12 hours a day. 5 days a week and these hours will take a toll on you over time.
People that I talk to that are retired find it hard to believe how this company is now run. I have a driver that has been harassed and even threatened because he was over allowed. This driver has one of the highest stops per hour in the center, his new time study just raised his dispatch 1.61 for 200 stops. How he is a scratch driver to a little bonus, any idea how many mangement people apoligized to him? 0
His 9.5 grievances are going to panel, he is owed close to $2,000 in grievance pay, and still the company cant pay him what hes owed. Imagine how much money they could have saved by time studying him instead of riding him blaming it on him.
NDA volume was down last year, but overall package volume was up in certain parts of the country. My pieces went up as did many of the drivers in my area, and I did steal all the Fedex business I could, until pickups started getting missed because I couldnt fit it all and no other drivers in my area had room, causing business to go back to fedex, not the 97 strike.
Now this is a rant, this company does not care about us the employees or the customers, only the stock holders!