Backing. Your car only figures miles going forward. Telematics figures miles while backing too.The best one was when I had my bulkhead door open for 126 miles when I only ran 124 miles that day! Figure that one out!
Backing. Your car only figures miles going forward. Telematics figures miles while backing too.The best one was when I had my bulkhead door open for 126 miles when I only ran 124 miles that day! Figure that one out!
Tooner, we have been live for about two months now. I have had two recordings in travel and one recording while idling. When I questioned one of the RIT my center manager printed out my personal Telematics report for that day and we discussed it together. The data was right.
Our center as a whole has done very well since going live. We have had a couple of "what they hell were you thinking" moments, such as a driver closing out a pickup stop 7 miles away from the pickup while driving 56.9 mph. The only reason this became an issue is a customer called in a concern that the driver was speeding (he was---speed limit was 35).
Our center manager, on-car and PDS will review Telematics findings with those who make the report but these are informational reviews only--there has been no discipline (other than for the example I gave above) related to Telematics data.
There was one driver who was questioned about the "gap times" between deliveries.
I usually have less than 10 backing events per day for maybe 250 feet total. That still is a wee bit short of 2 miles!Backing. Your car only figures miles going forward. Telematics figures miles while backing too.
Everything a worker does a manager can Monday morning quarterback and second guess every decision you made. What frightening is that everything can be describe as fraud or theft. Its really nothing more than point and accuse. Coulda-woulda-shoulda----Guilty until proven innocent. Don't believe me then read up on the Salem witch trials.
Innocent mistakes, key punch error, bad choices, or verbal traps setup by out-to-getcha managers can all be maligned and distorted to abuse the dishonesty defraud language. Your not making your numbers then management manufacture a dishonesty charge out of an innocent mistake or misjudgment. Seems a class action suit is inevitable given the propensity of this management to abuse its workers. At UPS its always been profits over people and Telemetrics puts that philosophy on turbo drive,
I agree with what you wrote but if this is a first offense should this be dischargable?? Where is the progressive discipline??
You open the box of flowers, cut the ties and remove the flowers? Do you then fill the vase with water and arrange them just so? Perhaps wash the dishes and fold the clothes while you are there?
I also deliver to a senior high rise and they get the same knock, drop and go as everyone else does.
No, you're not stealing time, but you definitely have too much customer contact.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. There a simple solution for managements need for information; let drivers code off all "time events" not part of that days assigned delivery and pick up trace.
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. There a simple solution for managements need for information; let drivers code off all "time events" not part of that days assigned delivery and pick up trace.
For instance something as giving a dog a biscuit. Sound innocent enough, right. But no where in your assigned duties, methods, or procedures does it account for any time to give a dog a biscuit nor have you been given any written authorization to do so. Management could easily say you intentionally deviated from your assigned duties that cost the company money (stealing time.) If that sounds overly nit picky then imagine or think back across your own day at how many times you engaged in innocent conversations or activities with people most instigated by those same people.
I could nit pick and nit pick hundreds of circumstances and situation that a driver encounters that are not assigned, measured, and recorded by Telemetrics that for all intensive purposes can be maligned by management as stealing time. Allowing drivers to "code off with text memo" any particular event that they felt or believed they could or should engage in puts the ball back in the companies court to either reject any future like kind activity or authorize it. The company wants to use Telemeterics for accountability and efficiency then why shouldn't the driver be allowed to fully account for all that his/her days work may entail.
Are we just programmed machines executing instructions in a sequence serving other machines, or, are we people, humans, serving other humans in a human environment. The way Telemetrics see's the world and how management can define the world, we are machines, serving machines, every second of every minute, of every day.
PS: During Christmas and many other holiday's I deliver to a senior housing complex. Many of these sweet old lady's and worn down men get flowers in box's and other gifts. Now those flower have plastic ties that you have to cut with scissors. I have to, by request of the customer, open the box, cut the ties, and remove the flowers. They have arthritis you see and can't do it.
Have I been given authorization by UPS? Have I been assigned a time unit for this? No. I just do it because I have empathy for these folks and they asked me. Am I stealing time? Depends right? Am I a scratch driver? Do I file grievances? Is my management team ball breakers looking for any kind of leverage to get me to work through unpaid lunch period? You tell me. Am I stealing time?
As someone said earlier, if the union cant fix this problem, then maybe it is time we consider a class action!!
Your response shows that you don't know to much about the disciplinary process and how UPS abuse's it. You said the burden of proof is on the company? Technically yes. But, you've been fired (cardinal sin). Your outside the gate now with no income. Your waiting for your panel/arbitration case which can be delayed for weeks and months. If you want your job back and your income restored they will offer you a "deal." Except a suspension (sames as pleading guilty) or take your chances at the joint panel and have the union plead guilty for you by cutting there "deal." Either way you'll have a permanent record of dishonesty attached to your file whether you were ever dishonest or not. You see that's what happen in the real world of union management relations.
Get it?
Intent, Innocent until proven guilty, and just cause are just words on a piece of paper not checks you can cash and pay bills with.
Having coded off time and text memo's makes a record of your actions and intent at that moment in time. You'll have fact based data to meet there fact based data. Let the company foist all the nefarious intent they want because they will anyway your recordings or not. At least you'll be on the record as making your actions accountable.
Do you understand?
I am not in the Western Region. We have no such rights to keep day logs or anything at this time. We have never seen or heard of such a thing. But it was brought up in the UPS presentation about taking notes. UPS said nothing about it. UPS said don't worry. When they said that we all looked at each other and without saying a word we thought together, start worrying!
I agree that anything you input in the DIAD is company property and I also agree the company would never give out anything that is exculpatory. Can you give me or make available to all of us these logs books or printouts your local has provide you so we can begin the process of demanding our opportunity to document non-measured activity. Take a pic or scan a page of the log and make it an attachment or post it to a web site. You can make quick web sites on Google Sites. I very eager to have this template as I expect so many other in my local and region. I will file a grievance in the morning for the right to document non-measure incidents.
You see were getting things done here. I'm all goose bumps...![]()