

golden ticket member
The most irritating ad to me is the Capillus hair ad...….
This dumb woman says, "I like the way I see myself and the way others see myself.."
What 'grammar' school did you go to???


golden ticket member
There is a commercial on TV now for Cox Cable. My mind is usually in the gutter when I watch it.
A little kid named Kevin goes running in the Cox store and the clerk says, "Hi Kevin, I see you brought your mother."
That implies to me that Kevin visits this salesman by himself. Do they go in the store room Peter Graves the pilot in Airplane??
This commercial runs at least 5 times a day.


nowhere special
I swear 98% of all so-called charitable organizations are rip offs. People-beware of who you give your hard earned money to. One of the biggest ripoffs is the Wounded Warrior organization. Don’t give them money.
Give money directly to the charity you want to support and cut out the middle man skinning off some or most of the money.


nowhere special
If they are begging for money for
Kids, wounded Veterans or sad faced animals chances are good it is a rip off- beware- check it out first .


Happy Verified UPSer
i stopped giving to our own United Way campaigns at the company because of the scandals.
Now it is only 2 national A+ charities, the local scouts , local food bank , and local humane society and other local needs groups.


golden ticket member
I'm sick of seeing Joe Namath at least 10x a day anxiously awaiting 'food delivery' to his door with his Medicare coverage. He was better in the panty hose!!


Retired 23 years
Son in law had the remote last night. I got forced into watching Undercover Boss. That has to be the worst fakest show on tv.