Tentative Agreement

balland chain

Well-Known Member
Re: UPS is making the union look really stupid! Wake up brothers and sisters!

Are we really going to let UPS/Hoffa get away with this? This contract sucks. Our last contract was much better than this with record profits yr after yr! Why should we not get atleast a dollar a yr raise? Why should new full time hires have to wait 4 yrs till they make top scale wage? Why should we have higher co pays and deductables than in the past? We got sold out by our leaders......this is embarrassing Hoffa and Hall.
We WORKERS are getting a bad contract due to 1) Our weak Union.. 2) UPS's Greed to make all the top brass even wealthier...VOTE NO.. SPREAD THE WORD..The drivers that have nice ass cars & bills need to save some $$. We should not have to settle for this.. We should also send letters to DC letting them know that they let us down...however, those will most likely get thrown in the round file.. ALL we can do is vote no and make sure we explain why others should as well.


Well-Known Member
Re: UPS Tentative Agreement

Yesterday, I read the articles on a teamster website that they were looking at moving employees off the company health care plan into Union Health Care plans. So I started doing some research. I did an online search for "Teamster Unions Health Plans." Of course there are several different ones to choose from so I started pulling different ones up from different websites - at least those that didn't require a password to enter. Bottom line is this: NONE of the ones I could view online were better than what we currently have with the company. I know that Central States' plan sucks - BAD! I know we are lucky. Currently, we don't pay premiums, our family deductible is $150, prescriptions are $0 (paid 100% by the plan), I have yet to pay any hospital bills, as that is 100% covered by BCBSIL, we pay a 20% co-pay on office visits (averaging $12.48) and we can go to whatever doctor we want - no sticking to an in-network provider. I did not find one union plan (again, that was viewable online) that even came close.

Now, unless one of the UNION health care plans can offer the EXACT SAME THING or something better, why on earth would we vote YES for something else??? The people who are ticked off about being in the Central States health care have union officials that sold them out years back and the union members voted it in. Do your homework, folks. Ask for information before you vote this in. I think that there is a behind the scene deal between the Teamsters and UPS on this health care deal. Let's say, UPS is paying the company big bucks for the TEAMSTERS to take the risk. BIG BUCKS THAT THEY COULD BE SPENDING ON COVERING THE HIGHER COST OF HEALTH CARE "THEY CLAIM" IS RISING. Remember...UPS paid for our company sponsored health care last year when they made $4 billion in profits. This year they are on track to making more and they can't cover the rising cost??? UPS is a large company with thousands of employees, folks. The more employees you have, the less cost and more negotiating power you have. Trust me, UPS can cover the health care costs and probably would save money to put us all in the same plan with even BETTER benefits that I currently have for everyone because of the price negotiating power they would have with the insurance provider.

I say DON'T VOTE THIS CONTRACT IN till you get full disclosure on the health care - DETAILED information, not just a summary. Once you lose what you have, there is no getting it back.

Also, it appears that wage increase for the full timers are no better than what they got last year. No raise, higher profits again means more money for health care.

As for retirement benefits, each union local has different benefits. I thought that our local had a great retirement benefit until I saw where the employees in Arizona are getting a better deal.

People: get out there online and do your research. Not all information is available but the info that is? It's definitely enlightening and gives you the power of knowledge to make an informed decision in your vote.

Oh yes...we all know that you never say "yes" to the first offer anyways, right?


Active Member
Re: Teamsters Reach Tentative Agreements Covering 250,000 Workers At UPS, UPS Freight

They will probably rename Central States....

I don't think it is as horrible as a few people have posted on here. I just paid $93 out of pocket for a hearing test for my wife, they covered every cent of the $3000 hearing aid itself. Free cleaning and fillings at the dentist, I did have to pay $250 a crown. $20 copay doesn't bother me since I gross $1600 a week. I'm not crazy about the vision, a good set of glasses will run you $500. Considering what the average person pays for health insurance, the whining I read on here is very revealing about the entitlement society we live in today.

I think it is far more indicative of the problem we have in this union today. Hey! I'm full time and make a lot of money so I don't care about anyone else. But here are the problems with this contract proposal as I see it now: 1) Raises do not keep pace with real inflation just as they did not in the last contract. And please don not quote me government statistics that exclude food and energy as we know they are not based on reality. 2) Do we have a binding contract with the union so that our benefits will not change for the life of the contract? This is something that I really need explained to me as I have heard from some full timers that the Teamsters have made changes to the retirement provisions for them. 3) New part timers will start at a much higher wage of $15/hr. Is this fair to the people who have busted their a** for 5 or 6 years to get to that rate when someone just coming in the door will make the same or more than them? 4) They will create XXX number of full time jobs! Never has happened when they made that promise before and never will. 5) Though we have not seen any specific language, is there anything in there that can force the company to actually honor the contract. SurePost was a prime example of how very specific language will be ignored by the company. We all have known for years that UPS wants to become like WalMart with an all part time work force with little or no benefits. They are not a struggling company. The only chance we have is to make it unprofitable of unreasonable for them to do this. I did not start with UPS when I was 18 or 20 years old and have been around the block more than a few times. I have worked in mills and factories. Never have I seen a group of harder working and dedicated individuals as I have here. The company is very lucky to have the workforce it does and these workers deserve everything they can get.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
Re: Teamsters Reach Tentative Agreements Covering 250,000 Workers At UPS, UPS Freight

I think it is far more indicative of the problem we have in this union today. Hey! I'm full time and make a lot of money so I don't care about anyone else. But here are the problems with this contract proposal as I see it now: 1) Raises do not keep pace with real inflation just as they did not in the last contract. And please don not quote me government statistics that exclude food and energy as we know they are not based on reality.

Here we go again. Raises have far surpassed inflation -- the simple fact that you're pocketing $5,000 more per year than you were in 2007 should convince you so. But you're right... government statistics aren't based on "reality" -- for example, despite showing an increase of about 2.5% in food, people are spending LESS at the grocery store than they were two years ago on similar items. Remember, the average FT employee over 25 earns $40K and pays $4300 toward his benefits.

And PT were bumped to $10, not $15.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Re: Teamsters Reach Tentative Agreements Covering 250,000 Workers At UPS, UPS Freight

I think it is far more indicative of the problem we have in this union today. Hey! I'm full time and make a lot of money so I don't care about anyone else. But here are the problems with this contract proposal as I see it now: 1) Raises do not keep pace with real inflation just as they did not in the last contract. And please don not quote me government statistics that exclude food and energy as we know they are not based on reality. 2) Do we have a binding contract with the union so that our benefits will not change for the life of the contract? This is something that I really need explained to me as I have heard from some full timers that the Teamsters have made changes to the retirement provisions for them. 3) New part timers will start at a much higher wage of $15/hr. Is this fair to the people who have busted their a** for 5 or 6 years to get to that rate when someone just coming in the door will make the same or more than them? 4) They will create XXX number of full time jobs! Never has happened when they made that promise before and never will. 5) Though we have not seen any specific language, is there anything in there that can force the company to actually honor the contract. SurePost was a prime example of how very specific language will be ignored by the company. We all have known for years that UPS wants to become like WalMart with an all part time work force with little or no benefits. They are not a struggling company. The only chance we have is to make it unprofitable of unreasonable for them to do this. I did not start with UPS when I was 18 or 20 years old and have been around the block more than a few times. I have worked in mills and factories. Never have I seen a group of harder working and dedicated individuals as I have here. The company is very lucky to have the workforce it does and these workers deserve everything they can get.

New part timers are not starting at $15 an hour.


Well-Known Member
Re: UPS is making the union look really stupid! Wake up brothers and sisters!

We WORKERS are getting a bad contract due to 1) Our weak Union.. 2) UPS's Greed to make all the top brass even wealthier...VOTE NO.. SPREAD THE WORD..The drivers that have nice ass cars & bills need to save some $$. We should not have to settle for this.. We should also send letters to DC letting them know that they let us down...however, those will most likely get thrown in the round file.. ALL we can do is vote no and make sure we explain why others should as well.
Or you could show up at your local meeting and express your displeasure. That is if you go to meetings (hint Local mtgs are not listed in TDU releases) which I doubt because then you may actually learn reality based information. What I don't understand is why aren't you running your local by now with all your expertise? If only hall would have asked you for tips in dealing with UPS...then we'd all be millionaires, and UPS would remain viable! And here I thought hall had smarts...


Well-Known Member
How the union allows starting wage to go up $1.50 without pushing those in progression up is beyond me. This contract looks like a stinker given the circumstances.


Well-Known Member
How the union allows starting wage to go up $1.50 without pushing those in progression up is beyond me. This contract looks like a stinker given the circumstances.

Do we have confirmation that those in progression won't get the bump? Or do we just have leaks that haven't mentioned whether they do?


Huge Member
Yeah Heff, I know. Rudy tends to get a little carried away. But I really like to hear why you think anybody should allow their
health care be reduced when UPS is doing so well.

You have no details right now on how your health care is effected. I have union-run health insurance and I have no problems to bitch about.

Yep the gap between the rich and poor is getting bigger and bigger in this country and im the one getting carried away.

You are being carried away if you stay in part time employment.

The median household income in the US is $52,762 (as of 2011)
I worked 6 years part time and now have 13 years as a full time driver and i made $80,000+


The number 1 complaint from part timers on this site was the low starting wage PERIOD. Nothing else
A full time drivers number 1 complaint on this site is not his salary but harassment and overworking.

From what I see from LEAKED contract proposals, PART TIMERS GOT THEIR WISH, WE DIDN'T


Well-Known Member
You have no details right now on how your health care is effected. I have union-run health insurance and I have no problems to bitch about.

You are being carried away if you stay in part time employment.

The median household income in the US is $52,762 (as of 2011)
I worked 6 years part time and now have 13 years as a full time driver and i made $80,000+


The number 1 complaint from part timers on this site was the low starting wage PERIOD. Nothing else
A full time drivers number 1 complaint on this site is not his salary but harassment and overworking.

From what I see from LEAKED contract proposals, PART TIMERS GOT THEIR WISH, WE DIDN'T
Well Heff, I'm going to the meeting this morning to get the details. I'll let you know how badly I'm
going to get screwed with my health care.


Well-Known Member
4 years to full scale that's nuts. Almost doubled progression over the last two contracts. All while making billions.

Ill need to see the details but unless progression is something like year one $20 year two $25 year three $30 this is a huge concession.
Four year progression is insane. The amount of work they do.....

HUGE concession.

My thoughts exactly. We have guys in my building with twelve years waiting for a driving job. With this proposal it would be even longer for top rate. Top rate progression should be no more than 24 months.


Well-Known Member
My thoughts exactly. We have guys in my building with twelve years waiting for a driving job. With this proposal it would be even longer for top rate. Top rate progression should be no more than 24 months.
They are also going to have a longer wait for a full time driving job. With this downgrade in health care guys will be staying in
package car until they are at least 62 or 65 until their social security kicks in and Medicare.


Well-Known Member
Current part time want the 1.50 bump just like new hires....we want $2.20 raise in august! No part time job should leave your body sore every day frm working 4-5 hrs. We also shouldnt be harrassed daily, its a part time job correct. We have had enough and the union wont back us! Its not fair the new hires are going to start at $10 when we started at $8.50. Then the 4 yr progression for new full timers to reach top rate is a joke tooo!


Huge Member
Well Heff, I'm going to the meeting this morning to get the details. I'll let you know how badly I'm
going to get screwed with my health care.

They are also going to have a longer wait for a full time driving job. With this downgrade in health care guys will be staying in
package car until they are at least 62 or 65 until their social security kicks in and Medicare.

This is on TDU's website

Health Benefits: Many members are asking about the deal to move all full-time and part-time Teamsters out of company-provided health insurance and into the Central States Health and Welfare Plan and other Teamster plans. The benefits currently provided by the Central States Plan, available here, will reportedly be enhanced to make them equal with members’ current benefits.

Right from the donkey's mouth !!

So why is every part timer on here drinking the Haterade when details have not been given.
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