Tentative Agreement


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
With all this negative feedback on BC, I have a feeling that the ballots will be coming out before the details of the contract all come out. Just my opinion.


Huge Member
Current part time want the 1.50 bump just like new hires....we want $2.20 raise in august! No part time job should leave your body sore every day frm working 4-5 hrs. We also shouldnt be harrassed daily, its a part time job correct. We have had enough and the union wont back us! Its not fair the new hires are going to start at $10 when we started at $8.50. Then the 4 yr progression for new full timers to reach top rate is a joke tooo!

UPS is one of the few companies IN THE WORLD that has given raises every year and its union employees pay ZERO for health benefits

You part-timers are ridiculous !!!!
The perks of union employment is right in front of your faces, yet you bitch about details when you haven't put on your big boy full-time pants on yet !!! The fruits of union employment is in seniority and benefits plus a comfortable retirement. I love preloaders but just because you load 4 cars don't mean you should be paid 25 bucks an hour. That would destroy UPS more than you know.

Quite honestly, UPS could give each of you a gold nugget and you'd still bitch it wasn't big enough !!! SMH


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Ok ups could technically afford to give every union member around a 20k bonus before we hit the red. I'm going out on a limb and saying $1 an hour won't break the bank.

UPS Preloader

Well-Known Member
Re: UPS is making the union look really stupid! Wake up brothers and sisters!

Are we really going to let UPS/Hoffa get away with this? This contract sucks. Our last contract was much better than this with record profits yr after yr! Why should we not get atleast a dollar a yr raise? Why should new full time hires have to wait 4 yrs till they make top scale wage? Why should we have higher co pays and deductables than in the past? We got sold out by our leaders......this is embarrassing Hoffa and Hall.

Without the official details being released, I don't see how anyone can say how good or bad this contract is. It would be nice to get $1.00 raises, but just an fyi. Because of the split raise, $0.70 on August 1st ends up being more than the $0.95 raise we got last year. My biggest issue so far is the $1.50 increase for Part Timers. This needs to be passed on to all PT's. It's is not fair for a new hire off the street to be making as much as someone that has been there a year. I'll wait and see, but if the $1.50 isn't passed along to all PT's it will be a no vote for me and I will encourage all the other PT's in my building to vote no as well.

balland chain

Well-Known Member
With all this negative feedback on BC, I have a feeling that the ballots will be coming out before the details of the contract all come out. Just my opinion.
I think you may be right.. They do not want us to read the entire contract prior to voting..makes me wonder why..from what I have read, I am voting NO. I have a feeling it will pass due to the increase in PT wages.. I am not happy at all with this deal..but that is life..it wont be the first or last time they break it off in us...

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
For me personally, I don't like the way the information in trickling out of the International. They clearly know this proposal is crap and hiding information while "building" it up only makes it worse. For instance, raises for the first three years are in full, but years and 5 are split again! Didn't the IBT hear us on this issue already?

Why do they continue to take money OUT of our pockets?

You say I get a full dollar in the last year, but really, we don't. We only get .50 cents every 6 months. That's not a full dollar for the year.



UPS Preloader

Well-Known Member
I think you may be right.. They do not want us to read the entire contract prior to voting..makes me wonder why..from what I have read, I am voting NO. I have a feeling it will pass due to the increase in PT wages.. I am not happy at all with this deal..but that is life..it wont be the first or last time they break it off in us...

PT wage increase won't generate "yes" votes unless it's passed along to those currently employed. (The new hires can't vote yet...)


Marty Peters kid
Current part time want the 1.50 bump just like new hires....we want $2.20 raise in august! No part time job should leave your body sore every day frm working 4-5 hrs. We also shouldnt be harrassed daily, its a part time job correct. We have had enough and the union wont back us! Its not fair the new hires are going to start at $10 when we started at $8.50. Then the 4 yr progression for new full timers to reach top rate is a joke tooo!

Those are the red circle guys that have been there for quite some time.. UPS will never allow the PT workers to make that wage again..

I wonder what percentage of the pt workforce falls into this category...does anyone know if these red circled folks are working 22.3 jobs at the 32 $ rate?


Marty Peters kid
Current part time want the 1.50 bump just like new hires....we want $2.20 raise in august! No part time job should leave your body sore every day frm working 4-5 hrs. We also shouldnt be harrassed daily, its a part time job correct. We have had enough and the union wont back us! Its not fair the new hires are going to start at $10 when we started at $8.50. Then the 4 yr progression for new full timers to reach top rate is a joke tooo!

PT wage increase won't generate "yes" votes unless it's passed along to those currently employed. (The new hires can't vote yet...)

Most full time folks said they wanted to see a significant bump in the part time pay and higher raises for them even if that meant full time raises wernt as much....but it looks like the raises for pt and ft are going to be the same.....any thoughts?


Geek in Brown
Our local had a membership meeting today and they confirmed pretty much everything we've heard so far as accurate. The locals are getting all the fine details on May 7th.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what percentage of the pt workforce falls into this category...does anyone know if these red circled folks are working 22.3 jobs at the 32 $ rate?

Cannot happen coldworld. I am a "red circlred" part-time employee. I remember when I was making around $10-$20/hour and the very first 22.3 job went up for bid. I was going to bid on it but was informed that my starting rate would be around $10.50/hour. ONLY when we bid into a full time driver job do we get to keep our current rate (Central Region)......that may or may not change with this contract. One thing for sure.....younger part-time employees normally have NOTHING to worry about us old red circled employees bidding into driving jobs..

As far as the number of pt workforce that are red circled.....just guessing less than 5% based on our building..

quamba 638

Well-Known Member
Current part time want the 1.50 bump just like new hires....we want $2.20 raise in august! No part time job should leave your body sore every day frm working 4-5 hrs. We also shouldnt be harrassed daily, its a part time job correct. We have had enough and the union wont back us! Its not fair the new hires are going to start at $10 when we started at $8.50. Then the 4 yr progression for new full timers to reach top rate is a joke tooo!

PT wage increase won't generate "yes" votes unless it's passed along to those currently employed. (The new hires can't vote yet...)

Most full time folks said they wanted to see a significant bump in the part time pay and higher raises for them even if that meant full time raises wernt as much....but it looks like the raises for pt and ft are going to be the same.....any thoughts?

Mt thoughts? Saying and doing are two different things. Obviously there had been a lot if "saying" and no "doing" over the last 30 years.


Got the T-Shirt
I have a feeling that the ballots will be coming out before the details of the contract all come out. Just my opinion.

That has to be one of the dumbest things.... I have ever heard a TDU supporter say.

But, I'm guessing you're "full" of more stupid things to say.

They do not want us to read the entire contract prior to voting.

As I posted in another thread....

The next step is the 2-man committee.

The first review, will be for the UPS Master language. There will be a separate review for UPS freight.

Then, there will be reviews for the supplements. (Plus any changes in riders) Also, one for Supply Chain Solutions.

Then, and only then.... will the Local's schedule a meeting with their members.

And.... separate meetings for Parcel and Freight (If Locals have both).

The ballots probably won't even go out until June....
