Tentative Agreement


Well-Known Member
This is on TDU's website

Health Benefits: Many members are asking about the deal to move all full-time and part-time Teamsters out of company-provided health insurance and into the Central States Health and Welfare Plan and other Teamster plans. The benefits currently provided by the Central States Plan, available here, will reportedly be enhanced to make them equal with members’ current benefits.

Right from the donkey's mouth !!

So why is every part timer on here drinking the Haterade when details have not been given.
Not what was given to us today at our local meeting. If I'm reading your quote right. National meeting to take place in Washington on May 7th.
All details will be spelled out then to all locals. As far as those of us with UPS health care. We are supposed to keep the same benefits that we
have now. There was no mention in combining or enhancing Central States. If you're currently working there will still be no cost to you for health care.
If you're retired it will still be $50 a month for now with a progression to $200 a month by the end of the 5 year contract. Raises of .70, .70, .70, and then
two split raises of .40, .40, fourth year and .50, .50, fifth year. The International is very much aware of the concerns of those with UPS
health care.They intend to match those benefits. We'll see.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Since you have no ability at comprehension.... I will quote myself.

Ok, it's April 28th today.
First this contract goes to a 2 man committee
Then a review for the UPS master language
Then reviews for the supplements (which are not all finished as of April 28th)
Then and only then the local will have contract meetings with members
Ballots probably won't go out until sometime in June

Let us analyze this:
They are not finished with all the supplemental contracts yet, so there will be delays on that.
A 2 man committee will take time to review all the new language-there will be alot on new language- this will take some time. (Probably won't work Fridays either)
A review of the UPS Master Language-will take some time. (Probably won't work Fridays either)
A review of the Supplemental Contracts-will take some time (Probably won't work Fridays either)
The locals will then hold meetings on the new contract. NO MENTION OF THE NEW CONTRACT PROPOSALS BEING MAILED TO OUR HOMES? Why go to the local meeting and hear someone elses slant on the contract?
And what are the chances all this will be done by the time the contract is mailed out? Zero to none are the chances of all of this being done by the time the ballot arrives in the mail.

If this is too much to understand....

I am out of crayons.




Well-Known Member
$1.50 catch up to 2008-newer part timers still in progression is really all we're asking for so that some new kid off the street can't waltz on in and make as much or more in some cases as guys here a year or 2. you old-timers make it sounds like that's going to put ups in the poor house


Got the T-Shirt
Do you even work for UPS ? Have you ever voted on a contract before ?

You should know.... Union Member.... Your personal copy.... comes with your Ballot

I am still waiting.... for realbrown(turd) to respond to a simple question.

Realbrown is a scam!

The turd.... has been posting in other threads. But, seems to avoid simple questions.

Questions, that any UPS'er would know.... Or a Teamster, for that matter.



Well-Known Member
Not what was given to us today at our local meeting. If I'm reading your quote right. National meeting to take place in Washington on May 7th.
All details will be spelled out then to all locals. As far as those of us with UPS health care. We are supposed to keep the same benefits that we
have now. There was no mention in combining or enhancing Central States. If you're currently working there will still be no cost to you for health care.
If you're retired it will still be $50 a month for now with a progression to $200 a month by the end of the 5 year contract. Raises of .70, .70, .70, and then
two split raises of .40, .40, fourth year and .50, .50, fifth year. The International is very much aware of the concerns of those with UPS
health care.They intend to match those benefits. We'll see.

So far nothing on the 22.3 language although most don't care I know. If retiree insurance progressively goes up to $200 a month is this per person? It makes me think if I survive to retirement in 10 years it won't be affordable. We're just dodging bullets now with both sides seemingly waiting to see what Obamacare does to everyone.


I'm utility...AGAIN!?
so what is the 'central states' health plan? does that mean i lose my blue shield PPO? i take my son to speech and physical therapy twice a week...if the new health coverage is really as bad as people make it out to be i'm voting a big hell no.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I am still waiting.... for realbrown(turd) to respond to a simple question.

The turd.... has been posting in other threads. But, seems to avoid simple questions.

Questions, that any UPS'er would know.... Or a Teamster, for that matter.

Well, Fat Union Guy, I have voted on many contracts. I am saying if the 1st copy that I get to see is when I recieve my ballot, that is too late. It should be posted on-line or e-mailed to us way before hand. Do you understand or do I need to type slower?