Tentative Agreement


Well-Known Member
All I can say is lets wait and see whats proposed to us, and then make an educated decision, based on the facts laid before us brothers and sisters. If what is laid before us for any reason does not seem right, vote no. Do not base this decision on how comfortable you are (fulltimers). Theres plenty in the ranks and file that are trying to get to where you are. Im struggling not to be optimistic. Lets wait and see, but for once think back to when you was in our shoes, (if you wern't an outside hire).


Well-Known Member
I'd love to know where on earth people are getting that Central States is such a horrible plan. We've been on it for years and have paid very little out of pocket, which is saying a lot, between my medical issues, my son's bi-polar disorder, my daughter's issues and my husband having surgery TWICE last year. I'm looking at an EoB that came in the mail last week for my husband's surgery to remove kidney stones. His hospital bill was $23,220.45. Amount we may owe the provider....$0! That happened twice last year. Also, I think he paid the urologist a whopping $35 total. My daughter had surgery a few years ago to remove her appendix, we paid ZERO! My son's bi-polar meds without insurance would cost us over $400 a month. We pay about $70 every 3 months. I get injections in my back and my head every few months. The total for those injections are a few thousand EACH time. I have never paid a penny for them. I go to physical therapy twice a week and don't pay anything for that either. MRIs, CT Scans, X-rays, all paid at 100%. Lab work, paid at 100%. My birth control costs me about $20 every 3 months. Womens' well checks every year, including pelvic exam, pap smear, HPV testing, $0! Dental for my kids, $0, including cleanings twice a year and exams yearly. My son just had to go to the endodontist to get a root canal, the bill was $1370, we paid ZERO. (They also just lifted the $1500/year limit on dental, so now there is no max.) Two kids in braces would have cost me $3000 more than what it does now. Sure, we pay $20 copays for office visits to the family doctor and I wish the ER care was better, but overall, our insurance is better than the benefits of anyone I know.


Staff member
I'd love to know where on earth people are getting that Central States is such a horrible plan. We've been on it for years and have paid very little out of pocket, which is saying a lot, between my medical issues, my son's bi-polar disorder, my daughter's issues and my husband having surgery TWICE last year. I'm looking at an EoB that came in the mail last week for my husband's surgery to remove kidney stones. His hospital bill was $23,220.45. Amount we may owe the provider....$0! That happened twice last year. Also, I think he paid the urologist a whopping $35 total. My daughter had surgery a few years ago to remove her appendix, we paid ZERO! My son's bi-polar meds without insurance would cost us over $400 a month. We pay about $70 every 3 months. I get injections in my back and my head every few months. The total for those injections are a few thousand EACH time. I have never paid a penny for them. I go to physical therapy twice a week and don't pay anything for that either. MRIs, CT Scans, X-rays, all paid at 100%. Lab work, paid at 100%. My birth control costs me about $20 every 3 months. Womens' well checks every year, including pelvic exam, pap smear, HPV testing, $0! Dental for my kids, $0, including cleanings twice a year and exams yearly. My son just had to go to the endodontist to get a root canal, the bill was $1370, we paid ZERO. (They also just lifted the $1500/year limit on dental, so now there is no max.) Two kids in braces would have cost me $3000 more than what it does now. Sure, we pay $20 copays for office visits to the family doctor and I wish the ER care was better, but overall, our insurance is better than the benefits of anyone I know.
Holy crap, are you guys alright?!?!?:funny:

J/K, glad the insurance does well for you!


Well-Known Member
LOL Yeah, it's all a bunch of little stuff, for the most part. My husband is generally never sick, but he went through those 2 bouts of kidney stones last year that wasn't fun. Hell, he had to search for his insurance card, that's how little he uses it. Me, on the other hand, I'm a walking disaster. The joys of ruining your body with years of gymnastics and personal training. :p

Oh, forgot to add that when BOTH of my sons messed up their knees a few years ago, they were both in and out of the ortho surgeon's office and we never paid a penny for any of that, either.


New Member
I'm in the minority, I would be fine without a pay raise, if my health benefits stayed the same. Solidify our future pension plans and I would be happy. The problem is that there are too many takers. UPS and the unskilled labor force that make over $20/hr for jobs that should pay $12. All the greed is about to ruin a good career.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the minority, I would be fine without a pay raise, if my health benefits stayed the same. Solidify our future pension plans and I would be happy. The problem is that there are too many takers. UPS and the unskilled labor force that make over $20/hr for jobs that should pay $12. All the greed is about to ruin a good career.

Do you happen to be related to "UPStateNYer"?

You're not alone on this...personally.. I would have taken a freeze in my wages also if my health benefits stay the same. Improved pension would also be nice........ especially since I'm retiring in 7 months...


Livin the cardboard dream
LOL Yeah, it's all a bunch of little stuff, for the most part. My husband is generally never sick, but he went through those 2 bouts of kidney stones last year that wasn't fun. Hell, he had to search for his insurance card, that's how little he uses it. Me, on the other hand, I'm a walking disaster. The joys of ruining your body with years of gymnastics and personal training. :p

Oh, forgot to add that when BOTH of my sons messed up their knees a few years ago, they were both in and out of the ortho surgeon's office and we never paid a penny for any of that, either.
Sheesh...we could right the second book of Job with a story like you guys. Glad everyone is fine!


Well-Known Member
Re: Teamsters Reach Tentative Agreements Covering 250,000 Workers At UPS, UPS Freight

They will probably rename Central States....

I don't think it is as horrible as a few people have posted on here. I just paid $93 out of pocket for a hearing test for my wife, they covered every cent of the $3000 hearing aid itself. Free cleaning and fillings at the dentist, I did have to pay $250 a crown. $20 copay doesn't bother me since I gross $1600 a week. I'm not crazy about the vision, a good set of glasses will run you $500. Considering what the average person pays for health insurance, the whining I read on here is very revealing about the entitlement society we live in today.

It's because of the people that don't wanna whine, that we have been going backwards. The people who feel it's fine to pay more, just because other companies are paying. Well, the company is more than happy to oblige you in your wishes, and they will continue to oblige for the following years.


Marty Peters kid
Current part time want the 1.50 bump just like new hires....we want $2.20 raise in august! No part time job should leave your body sore every day frm working 4-5 hrs. We also shouldnt be harrassed daily, its a part time job correct. We have had enough and the union wont back us! Its not fair the new hires are going to start at $10 when we started at $8.50. Then the 4 yr progression for new full timers to reach top rate is a joke tooo!

To me $1.50 is not a significant bump. If most centers are like mine guys are at 9.50 within 30 days anyway.

I really think $10 is bare minimum what would even have a chance of passing. Ups and the teamsters knew that.

whatever the deal is middle management will pay for it as usual. when is enough enough?

More stops, more harassment, less allowance to do the job.....when is enough enough??


Well-Known Member
I'd love to know where on earth people are getting that Central States is such a horrible plan. We've been on it for years and have paid very little out of pocket, which is saying a lot, between my medical issues, my son's bi-polar disorder, my daughter's issues and my husband having surgery TWICE last year. I'm looking at an EoB that came in the mail last week for my husband's surgery to remove kidney stones. His hospital bill was $23,220.45. Amount we may owe the provider....$0! That happened twice last year. Also, I think he paid the urologist a whopping $35 total. My daughter had surgery a few years ago to remove her appendix, we paid ZERO! My son's bi-polar meds without insurance would cost us over $400 a month. We pay about $70 every 3 months. I get injections in my back and my head every few months. The total for those injections are a few thousand EACH time. I have never paid a penny for them. I go to physical therapy twice a week and don't pay anything for that either. MRIs, CT Scans, X-rays, all paid at 100%. Lab work, paid at 100%. My birth control costs me about $20 every 3 months. Womens' well checks every year, including pelvic exam, pap smear, HPV testing, $0! Dental for my kids, $0, including cleanings twice a year and exams yearly. My son just had to go to the endodontist to get a root canal, the bill was $1370, we paid ZERO. (They also just lifted the $1500/year limit on dental, so now there is no max.) Two kids in braces would have cost me $3000 more than what it does now. Sure, we pay $20 copays for office visits to the family doctor and I wish the ER care was better, but overall, our insurance is better than the benefits of anyone I know.

I'm thinking we must have different Central States as I end up writing alot of checks for what isn't covered such as pathology lab when you're in the hospital or having surgery and no choice in having it done. Times I've needed physical therapy I've paid the $20 copay each time. All testing has cost 20% and I was told a heart medication prescribed wouldn't be covered. If I need a shot it's considered "major" medical for some reason and I pay 20% of that cost. My eye glasses are progressive bifocal lenses that I end up paying at least $150 out of pocket and I'm not buying designer frames. Your Central States sounds alot better than mine!


UPS Local Leaders Unanimously Endorse UPS Tentative Agreement May 7, 2013 (WASHINGTON) – Leaders of Teamster Local Unions that represent UPS workers across the United States voted unanimously today to endorse the tentative UPS national agreement, paving the way for ballots to be prepared and sent to members.


New Member
No advanced language describing the new health care plan. It says they'll improve it to lower payments. Maybe they should provide show some details on this!


Package Car is cake compared to this...
[h=1]UPS Local Leaders Unanimously Endorse UPS Tentative Agreement[/h] May 7, 2013 (WASHINGTON) – Leaders of Teamster Local Unions that represent UPS workers across the United States voted unanimously today to endorse the tentative UPS national agreement, paving the way for ballots to be prepared and sent to members.

Of course they did. Did you expect anything else?