Tentative Agreement


Very disappointed that the 22.3 language was not improved upon; also that the C6 benefit package will be the "base" with further enhancements to be added upon.

PT and FT pension improvements seem solid, but that 48 month progression for new FT employees is a real kick in the nuts.

Still undecided on this one.


So us current part timers done with progression won't see a retroactive $1.50 bump like the new hires will? Have to vote no on this one.

"The start rate for part-time employees will
increase to $11 for preloaders/ sorters and$10
for all others which is an increase of $1.50.

Part-timers currently in progression will
receive the GWI and make no less than what
they would be entitled to after new pay-rates
go into effect on August 1, 2013."

Not sure if this means we will get an increase on top of our raise or not...


Well-Known Member
Very disappointed that the 22.3 language was not improved upon; also that the C6 benefit package will be the "base" with further enhancements to be added upon.

PT and FT pension improvements seem solid, but that 48 month progression for new FT employees is a real kick in the nuts.

Still undecided on this one.

It says "the Employer commits that during the life of this Agreement, it will offer part-time employees the opportunity to fill at least twenty thousand (20,000) permanent full-time job openings throughout its operations covered by this Agreement."

So there is supposed to be 20,000 22.3 jobs right now, and which is supposed to be maintained. And add an additional 2,350 jobs during the next contact. I highly doubt there are 20,000 22.3's working right now. The company is supposed to hand in a list of all the open 22.3 jobs to the Union after ratification.


Well-Known Member
UPS Local Leaders Unanimously Endorse UPS Tentative Agreement

May 7, 2013 (WASHINGTON) – Leaders of Teamster Local Unions that represent UPS workers across the United States voted unanimously today to endorse the tentative UPS national agreement, paving the way for ballots to be prepared and sent to members.

I vote PiedmontSteward to be our near future Union representative in Washington DC... Thanks PiedmontSteward for your expedient and timely sharing of information.


Well-Known Member
"The start rate for part-time employees will
increase to $11 for preloaders/ sorters and$10
for all others which is an increase of $1.50.

Part-timers currently in progression will
receive the GWI and make no less than what
they would be entitled to after new pay-rates
go into effect on August 1, 2013."

Not sure if this means we will get an increase on top of our raise or not...

This means that current part-timers will not receive the $1.50 "catch-up" and just get a raise every August 1st.


Well-Known Member
"The start rate for part-time employees will
increase to $11 for preloaders/ sorters and$10
for all others which is an increase of $1.50.

Part-timers currently in progression will
receive the GWI and make no less than what
they would be entitled to after new pay-rates
go into effect on August 1, 2013."

Not sure if this means we will get an increase on top of our raise or not...
It sounds like ALL part timers, even the ones in progression will get the 70 cents increase on August 1st, and the GWI throughout the contract. So I'm guessing those part timers in progression, won't get their progression raise, instead will just get the regular raise. These GWI will supersede those progression raises. That's what it seems like it's saying.


It says "the Employer commits that during the life of this Agreement, it will offer part-time employees the opportunity to fill at least twenty thousand (20,000) permanent full-time job openings throughout its operations covered by this Agreement."

So there is supposed to be 20,000 22.3 jobs right now, and which is supposed to be maintained. And add an additional 2,350 jobs during the next contact. I highly doubt there are 20,000 22.3's working right now. The company is supposed to hand in a list of all the open 22.3 jobs to the Union after ratification.

The language I was looking for involved keeping the 22.3 jobs within the local in which they were created. UPS has been shifting combo jobs (as they have been vacated) to air hubs, where its more convenient for the company.


Well-Known Member
It says "the Employer commits that during the life of this Agreement, it will offer part-time employees the opportunity to fill at least twenty thousand (20,000) permanent full-time job openings throughout its operations covered by this Agreement."

So there is supposed to be 20,000 22.3 jobs right now, and which is supposed to be maintained. And add an additional 2,350 jobs during the next contact. I highly doubt there are 20,000 22.3's working right now. The company is supposed to hand in a list of all the open 22.3 jobs to the Union after ratification.

I was just about to ask the same thing. So where are the 20,000 22.3 job?????? Hmmm, So before UPS can begin to give the 500 fulltime jobs agree to in this new agreement for August 2013, they would've have to fulfilled the 20,000 jobs promise in this current contract? Haaa, Good Luck with that one. Hoffa and Hall must think that we are complete morons. Im voting NO NO NO NO NO No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
looks to me that the union is willing to or trying to make a trade off between more "specific" contract language (that we all know the company NEVER abides by.....i can cite "todays" example if you'd like) and what i would say are "moderate" wage increases........( which is all that REALLY matters anyway) The restrictions on the size and weight of SUREPOST pkgs will never happen; just like how they intimidate the part timers in to "hurrying up" instead of putting 70LB tape on ALL 6 sides........(of course I do so) Same as they ALWAYS say the open pkg with crap falling out is "fine, just tape it" instead of taking 30 more seconds to MAKE SURE the contents really are fine (or QC tape if you can't tell)........as far as the part timers go it won't make a bit of difference if THEY NEVER TRAIN THEM PROPERLY.........there is no shortage of applicants in my center (saw 3 more this morning) and if YOUR not smart enough to find a "easier" way to make less than $10 an hr. YOU PROBABLY AREN"T WORTH IT........ i will be voting NO........ALLONS BITCHES


Well-Known Member
I was just about to ask the same thing. So where are the 20,000 22.3 job?????? Hmmm, So before UPS can begin to give the 500 fulltime jobs agree to in this new agreement for August 2013, they would've have to fulfilled the 20,000 jobs promise in this current contract? Haaa, Good Luck with that one. Hoffa and Hall must think that we are complete morons. Im voting NO NO NO NO NO No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/B]

I know there are several 22.3 jobs which haven't filled in my building from retirements or other reasons. Hopefully my supplemental will have something on 22.3 job creation, since they were one of the holdouts.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
"The start rate for part-time employees will
increase to $11 for preloaders/ sorters and$10
for all others which is an increase of $1.50.

Part-timers currently in progression will
receive the GWI and make no less than what
they would be entitled to after new pay-rates
go into effect on August 1, 2013."

Not sure if this means we will get an increase on top of our raise or not...

There is no $1.50 wage bump for new PTers. The $1 raise after 90-days has been eliminated, effectively making it a 50c wage bump.

(figures do not include the $1 premium, which is being maintained)
Old Progression:
* start: $8.50
* after 90 days: $9.50
* after 1 year: $10
* after 2 years: $10.50
* after 3 years: $11
* after 4 years: $11.87

New Progression:
* start: $10
* after 1 year: $10.50
* after 2 years: $11
* after 3 years: $12
* after 4 years: $12.50

Here's the adjustments:

PTers who've been with the company less than one year will be bumped from $9.50 to $10.20 on August 1, then $10.50 on their first anniversary. They will follow the general wage increases, but be bumped from $11.90 to $12 on their third anniversary.

PTers who've been with the company less than two years will be bumped to $10.70 on August 1, then $11.00 on their first anniversary. They will then follow the general wage increases.

PTers who've been with the company less than three years will be bumped to $11.20 on August 1, then $12.00 on their third anniversary. They will then follow the general wage increase.

So if you've been here between two & three years, you're the winner this contract.

Everybody else not included in the above will follow the general wage increase.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like ALL part timers, even the ones in progression will get the 70 cents increase on August 1st, and the GWI throughout the contract. So I'm guessing those part timers in progression, won't get their progression raise, instead will just get the regular raise. These GWI will supersede those progression raises. That's what it seems like it's saying.

This sounds correct, we will get the $.70 raise, I was more interested in bumping us up $1.50 like the new hires though.

Under the 2004-2008 contract we got $.475 split raises a year which equaled $.95 a year , then went to $.50 under the last contact, now is $.70 . Still a decrease to us part timers caught in the middle of the not red circled and not newly hired under prior contract or under this one on the table now.

I would accept the $.70 decrease *IF* us part timers who've completed our progression were to get a $1.50 bump like the new hires are.


Family Leave Fridays!!!
I didn't see as much detail as I thought I would about insurance.

What did you expect? The actual insurance deductibles & co-pays were never included in the contract. Instead, they're published separately.

When they changed the PT insurance last contract, we were mailed the book before we got to vote. I'm certain something similar -- a mailed copy, a mailed CD / flash drive, link to .PDF on the Internet -- will happen this time around.

I would accept the $.70 decrease *IF* us part timers who've completed our progression were to get a $1.50 bump like the new hires are.

Like I said, there is no $1.50 bump -- it's just 50c. And they added the extra $1 after 90-days in the 2002 contract - incumbent employees did not receive it.

However, if you've been here longer than those mentioned time frames in my previous posting, you've benefited from stronger wage increases, thus you will always make more than a new hire receiving the new wage bumps. Especially since most of the PTers being hired in now are tagged as seasonal, and therefore will not receive the general wage increases -- just the progression rates, which long-term are inferior. A PTer with a Feb, Mar, Apr seniority date of this year will be banking $13.80 at the conclusion of the contract, vs. $12.50 for those considered seasonal now. (Assuming you survive that long.)


Family Leave Fridays!!!
This is not the complete agreement. Several sections of interest -- Article 22, Section 4 which addresses the ratio of PT:outside employees for package car driving (currently 1:6, was proposed at 1:8) is omitted.

I am about to hit my year in June. I just want to make sure I understand correctly I will get the .70 raise on Aug1.

If your seniority date is in June, you'll get a 50c raise, then follow the general wage progression (August 1, this year it'll be 70c) thereafter. So you get a double raise if you have a June seniority date.


Active Member
I am about to hit my year in June. I just want to make sure I understand correctly I will get the .70 raise on Aug1.

Here's the adjustments:

PTers who've been with the company less than one year will be bumped from $9.50 to $10.20 on August 1, then $10.50 on their first anniversary. They will follow the general wage increases, but be bumped from $11.90 to $12 on their third anniversary.

PTers who've been with the company less than two years will be bumped to $10.70 on August 1, then $11.00 on their first anniversary. They will then follow the general wage increases.

PTers who've been with the company less than three years will be bumped to $11.20 on August 1, then $12.00 on their third anniversary. They will then follow the general wage increase.



Well-Known Member
I am about to hit my year in June. I just want to make sure I understand correctly I will get the .70 raise on Aug1.

Same here. I hit my year on june 25th. Seniority + 1 year would be july 25th. So we'll get a .50 bump on our anniversary then the general increase in august?

also, since we get our p/t benefits soon, will we enroll in that for the duration of 2013 and then be transferred to the new plan starting next year?

Edit: just saw your post bagels that answers my wage question. still wondering about the benefits though