Texas school shooting


Well-Known Member
count your blessings he didnt have any of these ammos to blow the place up:

It’s time to ask ourselves whether the government and the government media complex is conspiring to make these shootings happen. I’ve long believed that that’s exactly what’s happening. Find a mental midget and turn him lose with some weapons and politicize the tragedy. It’s not like they give two craps about murder. They’re fine with it if it’s unborn babies

Why are there so many mass shootings? I think Dennis Prager nails it. I added to it​

1. Secularization of America
2. Divisive teaching
3. No value for life
4. Watered down no Hell preaching. Shame on you preachers! Wake up!
5. Leftist teaching that you are a victim and rightfully angry.
6. Marriage declines
7. Male role models lacking and so many are fatherless
8. A 24 hour gaslight mainstream media that will give these mental midgets the attention they’ve always wanted


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

Why are there so many mass shootings? I think Dennis Prager nails it. I added to it​

1. Secularization of America
2. Divisive teaching
3. No value for life
4. Watered down no Hell preaching. Shame on you preachers! Wake up!
5. Leftist teaching that you are a victim and rightfully angry.
6. Marriage declines
7. Male role models lacking and so many are fatherless
8. A 24 hour gaslight mainstream media that will give these mental midgets the attention they’ve always wanted
No shame either.
Also it’s important to remember that what’s being taught in public school is a lot worse than any shooting. Just get your kids out of them. All of these mental midgets are products of public school


nowhere special