Texas school shooting

“What are we going to do about assault rifles?” Mr. Trump asked.
“Not a damn thing,” Mick Mulvaney, his acting chief of staff, replied.
“Why?” Trump demanded.
“Because,” Mr. Mulvaney told him, “you would lose.”
“Say no more,” said Trump (probably) and he never mentioned it again.
Aug. 3, 2019


Well-Known Member
most people in the world fit into that category, that doesn't mean their political values work together

you have to have a common language, you have to have a common political vision; when you bring in millions of people over 6 decades, you overwhelm the ability of the nation to assimilate them and instead they just form their own mestizo culture
Tears,,, will you please stop coming on here and making comments like this? please? You used to be the one hated by UPS blue collar guys. But if you keep coming on here speaking this way, we may start to like you.... enough is enough :)


Well-Known Member
The whole thing is so sick. We have better find out what the hell is going on out there that would create a person totally void of humanity. This is not just about guns. Is it drugs, video games, what? This never happened in previous generations.
I don't know what world you live in Wally but violent acts like this have happened in this country for hundreds of years.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
This whole school shooting was planned. A teacher inside opened the door for the kid. There needs to be a Foia request , before the hard drives get erased...


Well-Known Member
It takes a special type of sick :censored2: c K to troll on a thread about 19 dead children.
Perhaps, But Didn’t you just say something about wishing someone’s mom had an abortion so they weren’t here? That would’ve been a dead child. And it takes a special kind of sick person to wish someone dead…be better.


Well-Known Member
But yet you see nothing wrong with his trolling while those 19 kids were killed.
I didn’t say that, he made a statement, That he believes I don’t have a problem with you vigorously disputing it. That’s what this form is for. wishing ill on others is not. Like I said I disagree with you a lot, but probably not always, or even less than you might think. Even if I don’t like your opinion I will respect it.