Texas school shooting


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I think he’s in love, dude does sound like a stud though!😂

El Correcto

god is dead

It’s actually more impressive that this was the guy and not the dude I thought it was.
He just looks like an everyday individual you wouldn’t take a second glance at but pure :censored2:ing courage runs through that man’s veins.

El Correcto

god is dead
i don’t believe this whole we thought it was a hostage situation. When shots start flying around a school you know what the :censored2: it is and the proper response. Don’t sit there and lie to people.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
BTW - the kid in Uvalde purchased two Daniel Defense AR-15s. These run about $1800 - $2,500 each. What kind of high school kid has that kind of cash? A teacher "accidentally" propped open a door the shooter happened to enter through. The School Resource Officer (police officer) happened to be out. Police standby outside as the shooting is happening and kids are calling 911. I don't buy it


Inordinately Right
BTW - the kid in Uvalde purchased two Daniel Defense AR-15s. These run about $1800 - $2,500 each. What kind of high school kid has that kind of cash? A teacher "accidentally" propped open a door the shooter happened to enter through. The School Resource Officer (police officer) happened to be out. Police standby outside as the shooting is happening and kids are calling 911. I don't buy it
You see the truck he crashed?
Curious if that was stolen because it didn't exactly look like a junker.


Inordinately Right
i don’t believe this whole we thought it was a hostage situation. When shots start flying around a school you know what the :censored2: it is and the proper response. Don’t sit there and lie to people.
Explanation I'm hearing is that there was a barrage of firing, then it stopped/became sporadic. So they took it from an active shooter designation to a barricaded/hostage situation.

Basically assumed he killed everyone he wanted to kill and were waiting for tactical.

Sounds like BS to me. It's a freaking school, you need to clear it ASAP.

El Correcto

god is dead
Explanation I'm hearing is that there was a barrage of firing, then it stopped/became sporadic. So they took it from an active shooter designation to a barricaded/hostage situation.

Basically assumed he killed everyone he wanted to kill and were waiting for tactical.

Sounds like BS to me. It's a freaking school, you need to clear it ASAP.
I’ve also heard that is the proper method for basically any police force responding to even a possible active shooter scene especially in a school following Columbine and some other shooting I’m not too familiar with. You do not wait for swat or tactical teams, you get your rag tag group and you go in immediately if you want to be a police officer. They should all lose their :censored2:ing jobs over this, you don’t deserve the respect and authority other officers have died earning that badge if you refuse to save children’s lives in a situation like this.

I can understand restraining hysterical parents and trying to keep the scene from becoming even more chaos and more bodies piling up, but you need to be :censored2:ing doing something INSIDE while controlling the scene outside.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Here is a flash back that is getting harder to find. Everyone I have pointed this out to can’t believe it. This is a father from the Sandy Hook shooting. Remember this guy’s 6 yr old daughter was killed the day before this interview. Looks refreshed like he got a good nights sleep. Watch before he starts the interview he is smiling and laughing then he pauses and does what they teach you to do in acting school, take a moment to get into character. His eyes are perfectly white and no bags under his eyes. Never sheads a tear. I don’t know what happened at that school but I don’t buy this guy lost a daughter. Question everything.
You only have to watch about a minute of the 18 min interview to see what I’m talking about.

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