Texas school shooting


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
The timelines were very confusing. It sounds like they thought the shooter was barricaded and not a hostage situation at first. Hindsight makes them look like cowards for waiting (possibly true but debatable). The shooter was hiding in a closet and popped out to shoot at the cops when they went in so looks like caution was advised. The big question seems to be how many were killed during the delay and that isn't clear.

We are forgetting that the first responders had to evacuate the rest of the children first and get them out of harms way. Unfortunately all of the killing probably occurred in less than a few minutes, I find fault that the maniac was shooting at the school for 12 minutes before he entered the classrooms.


Staff member
So the gunman walked in thru a propped open door. There is talk that a teacher propped the door open.
Anyone else think that teacher should be charged with 21 counts of Accessory to Murder?


Well-Known Member
These frequent killings or groups of innocent people simply aren't possible elsewhere. If these random mass shootings were legitimate, which they aren't, there would be just as many targeted attacks against high profile people. Why aren't there crazy nut jobs attacking rich people or businessmen? Honestly some of those attacks would be well deserved but my point is Republicans and Democrats alike are orchestrating these shootings and staging these kinds of events to convince the populace they aren't safe anywhere. They are pushing the opinion that police state expansion and support of military invasions is needed to keep us safe. Because of this what we're seeing now is to be expected. This shouldn't be a surprise. Wake up or stay plugged in
not staged

symptom of a late stage empire


Inordinately Right
The shooter killed a bunch of kids, the cops did nothing to stop him for at least 45 minutes, and instead spent the time violently harassing the desperate parents and concocting their hilarious cover story.

It's sad that gullible people like you fall for that kind of misinformation. I'll pray for you.


Well-Known Member


IE boogeyman
Tears,,, will you please stop coming on here and making comments like this? please? You used to be the one hated by UPS blue collar guys. But if you keep coming on here speaking this way, we may start to like you.... enough is enough :)
ORION is amazing and you're a lazy union thug, is that better?


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Hmmm I’m not sure his motivation but it does appear that took place. Was it confusion or incompetence? I wait for the investigation.
Yes and no.

They were given orders to stand down and wait for the negotiator as they were all assuming it was a hostage situation.

I do fault them for not being able to change the game plan on the fly a lot sooner.

Could things have been different...



Well-Known Member
Yes and no.

They were given orders to stand down and wait for the negotiator as they were all assuming it was a hostage situation.

I do fault them for not being able to change the game plan on the fly a lot sooner.

Could things have been different...

Lots of confusion and inability to react.