Texas school shooting


Got the T-Shirt


Strength through joy
Yesterday all the high school kids in the next city over walked out of school to protest gun violence.
They had their 15 minutes of fame.
Last night in the same city, a 32 year old man died after being shot along the same street these kids had marched on.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday all the high school kids in the next city over walked out of school to protest gun violence.
They had their 15 minutes of fame.
Last night in the same city, a 32 year old man died after being shot along the same street these kids had marched on.
95% of them walked out of school, to get out of schoolwork.

El Correcto

god is dead
I give them a little grace on the fact the gunman did start his shooting at a funeral home nearby so they could of thought it was an unrelated crime. It can get confusing to piece together multiple 911 calls and correlate them as all being 1 incident.

That said I don’t care if you followed the gunman from a bank robbery, the second a bad guy with a guns feet hits school property it should be considered a suicide by cop. It was a complete failure by them, a 30 minute failure by me results in late air, in their job it can result in some pretty horrific :censored2:.

Absolutely horrible and some heads need to roll over the calls that were made.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Yesterday all the high school kids in the next city over walked out of school to protest gun violence.
They had their 15 minutes of fame.
Last night in the same city, a 32 year old man died after being shot along the same street these kids had marched on.

In my day at school I would of walked out of school also but me and my buddies would of left the crowd and hit the bushes to burn one. To this day there are no pictures of me or my best friend in any school yearbook since the 7th grade. While everyone else was getting pictures we was getting back to nature 8-). I can't believe the sheep kids have become today. That is why we have so many adult sheep now.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

An accurate opinion piece on the importance of fathers in their son’s lives.
My son knows I always have his back. He gave me a card one year, he wrote that in it. That, to me, was the best thing I could have ever received. I at least got that across to him.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
My son knows I always have his back. He gave me a card one year, he wrote that in it. That, to me, was the best thing I could have ever received. I at least got that across to him.
I’m sure to a young man there is no feeling of security in the world like knowing his father is always there for him, especially when they look around them and see how many other young men have no father in their life. Great job,Dad!

El Correcto

god is dead
My son knows I always have his back. He gave me a card one year, he wrote that in it. That, to me, was the best thing I could have ever received. I at least got that across to him.
My dad explained to me how children are a bad investment and can destroy their parents retirement lol.

I was like 13.