Texas school shooting


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
My dad explained to me how children are a bad investment and can destroy their parents retirement lol.

I was like 13.
Your dad was truthful. I couldn’t have children but out of the people I know that have children more of them have children that has destroyed their retirement than not. From dead beats, sponges, drug addicts to criminals that had to be bailed out these kids has done a number on finances. I have friends that when alone with me and not saying what “they are suppose to say” tell me how lucky I am not to have kids. My best friend, that has 2 daughters sponging, has told me multiple times that If I would of had kids I would still be working. So if you have good responsible kids be thankful and tell them how proud you are of them.

El Correcto

god is dead
Your dad was truthful. I couldn’t have children but out of the people I know that have children more of them have children that has destroyed their retirement than not. From dead beats, sponges, drug addicts to criminals that had to be bailed out these kids has done a number on finances. I have friends that when alone with me and not saying what “they are suppose to say” tell me how lucky I am not to have kids. My best friend, that has 2 daughters sponging, has told me multiple times that If I would of had kids I would still be working. So if you have good responsible kids be thankful and tell them how proud you are of them.
Don’t give mean green too much credit. He was a horrible father and husband. I was born in divorce for a reason. Just sticking to the light hearted anecdotes most working class men could chuckle at.


Well-Known Member
I’m sure to a young man there is no feeling of security in the world like knowing his father is always there for him, especially when they look around them and see how many other young men have no father in their life. Great job,Dad!
Knowing one's father is not as important as having a father figure and even more important a parental figure. Plenty of fup individuals come from 2 parent households. It's how that parental figure helps an individual grow and learn that makes a difference. That parental figure could be a mother, father, grandparent, uncle, aunt, etc.


Inordinately Right
Knowing one's father is not as important as having a father figure and even more important a parental figure. Plenty of fup individuals come from 2 parent households. It's how that parental figure helps an individual grow and learn that makes a difference. That parental figure could be a mother, father, grandparent, uncle, aunt, etc.
Whatever you need tell yourself homie.

Bottomline, there is no replacement for a father, or a mother. A healthy society has a classic two parent nuclear family at it's core.

El Correcto

god is dead
Knowing one's father is not as important as having a father figure and even more important a parental figure. Plenty of fup individuals come from 2 parent households. It's how that parental figure helps an individual grow and learn that makes a difference. That parental figure could be a mother, father, grandparent, uncle, aunt, etc.
Very true, my father came from a nice upper middle class small business family following the WW2 era. His military father was a very sweet and loving guy, but old school, let the woman handle the kids unless she had trouble… his mom never had trouble. She was a straight up psychopath that did :censored2: like hitting him in the back of a head with a rolling pin and knocking him unconscious.

He signed up for the marine to be a machine gunner to go shoot people just to get away from them, he told me he would only sign up if Reagan won so he would have a chance to fight and kill others. His mother really :censored2:ed him up and anytime I would bitch about my mom to him he would take her back and tell me I had a wonderful mother and didn’t know how lucky I was.

It just goes to show the damage that can be done to abused children and how that cycle can keep going. My father is a flawed human being when it comes to emotions but I really do mean it when I say he was a very nice man, he is just someone who shouldn’t of married.


Well-Known Member
Knowing one's father is not as important as having a father figure and even more important a parental figure. Plenty of fup individuals come from 2 parent households. It's how that parental figure helps an individual grow and learn that makes a difference. That parental figure could be a mother, father, grandparent, uncle, aunt, etc.
That's a fair statement. Hopefully you won't support the idea recently put forth that the nuclear family is a sign of white privilege. No matter the race an intact family with loving parents who apply appropriate discipline to their children is an idea situation. But life often gets messy. A loving parent supported by extended family is good too.

El Correcto

god is dead
That's a fair statement. Hopefully you won't support the idea recently put forth that the nuclear family is a sign of white privilege. No matter the race an intact family with loving parents who apply appropriate discipline to their children is an idea situation. But life often gets messy. A loving parent supported by extended family is good too.
Very true, people need to choose the parent of their child carefully. It helps to meet them at organization that preach morality, make marriage sacrosanct and share a community with them to raise their children in.

The war on churches, marriage and preaching a immoral lifestyle as a “choice” is poison to a civil society.


Well-Known Member
That's a fair statement. Hopefully you won't support the idea recently put forth that the nuclear family is a sign of white privilege. No matter the race an intact family with loving parents who apply appropriate discipline to their children is an idea situation. But life often gets messy. A loving parent supported by extended family is good too.
I think a child needs someone who is dedicated to helping them grow and learn regardless of family status.


Well-Known Member
I think a child needs someone who is dedicated to helping them grow and learn regardless of family status.
I'm not disagreeing. My father's parents had 6 kids. My mother's parents had 7. Except for an aunt on my dad's side they all got divorced including my parents. I'm 100% for a loving home with two parents because I know what kids from broken homes go through. It's really tough on kids but people determined to raise a kid right will find a way to make the best of it.

El Correcto

god is dead
I think a child needs someone who is dedicated to helping them grow and learn regardless of family status.
And the people you disagree with on how seek the same thing through tight nit local communities. Look at what the government stepping in as the father has done, people need to be leading good moral lives, even if they are :censored2:ed up. They need that community that shares those morals to help them strive for better.

El Correcto

god is dead
When you preach about father figures and use 2pac as your avatar we don’t really think you get it son.
People like 2pac and gangsters victimize their communities, they spread nothing but hate and broken homes. Listen to the way that man talks about shooting people, selling drugs, being a gangster and :censored2:ing “hoes” he don’t love. That isn’t the father figure young minds need, they are too immature for that reality and you don’t want their minds shaped by it.

El Correcto

god is dead

Listen to this song and tell me you truly get the message. This isn’t what you want for your community or children. The corrupt US government will never solve this problem, this can only be handled by the people.

El Correcto

god is dead
I even told you one time before the site switched over, if you ever wanna be a successful drug dealer go to college and become a pharmacist.

You sat there and excused the criminal under world in your community as if some of these damaged desperate greedy immoral individuals will ever have a happy life.

You truly don’t get it, that’s why I call you a white boy and don’t like your wannabe :censored2:ing attitude about it. This isn’t a game, this isn’t good, that is destroyed lives.


Well-Known Member
I even told you one time before the site switched over, if you ever wanna be a successful drug dealer go to college and become a pharmacist.

You sat there and excused the criminal under world in your community as if some of these damaged desperate greedy immoral individuals will ever have a happy life.

You truly don’t get it, that’s why I call you a white boy and don’t like your wannabe :censored2:ing attitude about it. This isn’t a game, this isn’t good, that is destroyed lives.
The only thing I wannabe is me. Stop tryin so hard with all these fake ass stories and realize that societies problems are much more complicated than you can comprehend.


Well-Known Member
When you preach about father figures and use 2pac as your avatar we don’t really think you get it son.
People like 2pac and gangsters victimize their communities, they spread nothing but hate and broken homes. Listen to the way that man talks about shooting people, selling drugs, being a gangster and :censored2:ing “hoes” he don’t love. That isn’t the father figure young minds need, they are too immature for that reality and you don’t want their minds shaped by it.
It sure doesn't take much for you to be triggered does it? You going to blame this kid shooting up a school and entire PD with no balls on 2pac? 😶


Well-Known Member
It sure doesn't take much for you to be triggered does it? You going to blame this kid shooting up a school and entire PD with no balls on 2pac? 😶
I don’t think he’s talking about this one kid, more about society. As a teenager I thought 2Pac was cool and talented. As an adult I still think he was talented, but wish had went a different path. Seems very pointless at the age I am now.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think he’s talking about this one kid, more about society. As a teenager I thought 2Pac was cool and talented. As an adult I still think he was talented but wish had went a different path. Seems very pointless at the age I am now.
Societies problems are much more complex than to try correlate with rap music and specifically 2Pac. The whole world is fu p. This kid obviously needed help long ago and slipped through the cracks only to " legally " obtain these guns to take the lives of 19 children in a classroom.