Texas school shooting


Well-Known Member
So easy to be a black criminal.
Just cry racism and blame whitey on the woes you cause in your own community.

No business investments will be made to 2pac’s neighborhood, no opportunity for employment to the youth outside criminal elements, broken homes from the spiraling degradation of their community.

It’s just sad :censored2: and it does get frustrating talking to people like this.
You're a triggered little fella aren't you? Lol

El Correcto

god is dead
Far more people die from cultural rot and pieces of :censored2: like 2pac being idolized by angry young youth than from rifles in this country.

I wish them the best.


Well-Known Member
You’re the one here that just shuts down emotionally and starts calling everyone racist.
I was trying to be nice to you. Why don’t you go puff on a blunt and listen to your tough guy music, silly bitch.
Bro, you took a thread about a senseless killing at a school into a rant about 2Pac and black culture. Get some help son....


Inordinately Right
Bro, you took a thread about a senseless killing at a school into a rant about 2Pac and black culture. Get some help son....
You came in here trying to say your granmammy could be just as good of a father figure as your absentee dad. Meanwhile your avatar idolizes a piece of :censored2: garbage human being.

Sounds like you're the one who needs help homie.


Well-Known Member
politicians work hard to get us arguing like this.
i finished my career at ups running a couple of different gateways . Never thought I'd be a CDL trainer in one phase and end up running air gateways afterwards. Life can be grand.

At airports you have strict security guidelines you have to follow . As an individual you can be fined 1000 per incident for failure to comply and your company 25K.

Propping open a door would have gotten me that fine.
that police officer not being at his post would have gotten him fined and or fired.
That police officer not auditing the security and not discovering that teachers were propping the school doors open to save themselves a walk would have gotten him fined or fired.

More importantly those two will have to live with the guilt that their negligence and outright refusal to follow the plan cost those kids their lives.

El Correcto

god is dead
If you idolize stupid gang bangers that’s life work was nothing more than a super nova of misery for their families and communities, you have no self esteem and are very immature.


Well-Known Member
I play your nerves like a violin and my bow is the truth.
If you want to sit here and continue your temper tantrum adding nothing to the discussion or countering a single point have at it.
Enjoy your Memorial Day.


Staff member
More importantly those two will have to live with the guilt that their negligence and outright refusal to follow the plan cost those kids their lives.
I've said it before, but I believe the teacher who propped open the door should be charged with 21 counts of Accessory to Murder.


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
In my day at school I would of walked out of school also but me and my buddies would of left the crowd and hit the bushes to burn one. To this day there are no pictures of me or my best friend in any school yearbook since the 7th grade. While everyone else was getting pictures we was getting back to nature 8-). I can't believe the sheep kids have become today. That is why we have so many adult sheep now.

Same exact scenario for me. I was human waste in high school. I thought the "high" in high school was what I was supposed to be. If I could only redo the years I was too wasted to learn.

Whatever you need tell yourself homie.

Bottomline, there is no replacement for a father, or a mother. A healthy society has a classic two parent nuclear family at it's core.

My father was a straight A student. I saw all of his report cards and he got one B and all As. Still he was a waste as a father. He didn't give a RA about raising his kids. He taught me how to be a good father. I just did what he didn't.