Texas school shooting


Binge Poster
"God made us of nothing, but by the mere act of His will He made us into something. And the same will that brought us into existence is required to keep us in existence. Think hard about this, for in it is the primary truth about ourselves; without it we shall not know the first thing about ourselves- the first thing.
A carpenter makes a chair. He leaves it, and the chair continues to exist. Why? Because the material he made it of preserves the shape he has given it. In other words, when the maker of a thing leaves it, it is kept in existence by the material used in its making. If God, having made us, left us, we should be kept in existence by the material used in our making-namely, nothing.
What it is made of does not account for any being's coming into existence or remaining in existence; everything depends at every instant upon the God it is made by. That is one reason for giving the whole power of our mind to knowing God." -FJ Sheed, Theology for Beginners

God is as active in our creation as He was in Adam and Eve's.
Not everyone believes as you do and it is their right to not believe as you do.

That being said, my belief about this is definitely in agreement with your beliefs.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Not everyone believes as you do and it is their right to not believe as you do.

That being said, my belief about this is definitely in agreement with your beliefs.
I never required anyone to capitulate their beliefs for mine.

I do, however, claim my right to proselytize. Seeds must be planted before there can be a harvest.


Well-Known Member
Here we go….
I’m out of here


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Question. If God never gives one more than they can handle why is there suicide?
Question. If the Bible says not to be drunk with wine why did Jesus turn the water into wine. If the wedding party had already drank up the stash of wine we know they was drunk and parting. Did Jesus participate in making those people sin?


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Question. If God never gives one more than they can handle why is there suicide?
Question. If the Bible says not to be drunk with wine why did Jesus turn the water into wine. If the wedding party had already drank up the stash of wine we know they was drunk and parting. Did Jesus participate in making those people sin?


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Question. Why do they say there is only one way to heaven. You must confess your sins, believe in Jesus Christ and accept him. Christians will get spitting mad if you say there are more ways.

Ways to Heaven?

1 accepting Jesus Christ

2 Die before age of accountability

3 being mentally challenged

4 All of Israel will be saved. ( Romans 11:26)

5 if you were born before Jesus came to earth, as long as you did the right
sacrifices you went to heaven.
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Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
I could go on all day. Religion is for people that don’t ask questions or if they do they have to accept the mental gymnastics that they are told.


Well-Known Member
Question. If God never gives one more than they can handle why is there suicide?
I could be wrong but I don't think the bible teaches that He never gives us more than we can handle. It's up to us to pray and seek his will. Suicide? I'm not sure about that exactly. The bible talks about it though
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Union Brother ✊🧔 RPCD
The whole thing is so sick. We have better find out what the hell is going on out there that would create a person totally void of humanity. This is not just about guns. Is it drugs, video games, what? This never happened in previous generations.